Stang WINTERSTAR 2000 devival blurb

For the Winterstar catalog -- a blurb for what I plan. It's totally all-new "stuff" that I came up with recently, which despite the apparent subject matter, is actually all about how one spends one's resources, and should be thought provoking. I'll try not to make the show vomit provoking.


If it did not make you sick, overweight, or otherwise unhealthy, would you like to be able to EAT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AFFORD, OF ANYTHING YOU LIKE, JUST FOR THE SHEER PLEASURE OF IT?? That is one of the questions with which Rev. Stang will come to grips in "A Theological Comparison Between J.R. "Bob" Dobbs and Homer Simpson, Bodhissatva (and other mythic "Sacred Airheads" of the Collective Trademark Unconscious) (or, The Sin of Gluttony versus the Virtue of Slack -- What's the Difference?" The audience may want to participate in this discussion of the pros and the conmen of consumption.

Rev. Stang will also unveil his new medical breakthrough, The Diverter (trademark). It is recommended that the audience plan to eat BEFORE this demonstration.

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