Yeti Sighted in Malaysian Village

Kuala Lumpur (AFP) - A tiny Malaysian village is abuzz with talks of an alleged sighting of a local bigfoot known as the "mawas," a report said Sunday.
Villager Liong Chong Shen claimed he saw the huge ape-like animal in his orchard in a remote area in the southern state of Negeri Sembilan several days ago, the Sunday Star reported.

Liong told the newspaper he was busy tending fruit trees in his orchard when he sensed a strong animal scent and heard grunts nearby.

"My heart started pounding faster when I saw two mawas standing near the rubber trees as I feared they would attack me," he said. "I was about 10 meters away from them and I have a clear view." One of the animals was about 1.83 meters tall and with long black and shiny hair all over its body and face while the other was shorter, about 1.52 meters tall with long brownish hair, he said.

[Source originally published: January 2 2000]

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