WCW to debut Wrestling Jesus character

>January 11, 2000

>WCW is reportedly set to debut a very controversial character called Wrestling
>Jesus. Wrestling Jesus will be played
>by Devon Storm once his run as Crowbar is finished. Sting was considered to
>be Wrestling Jesus, but WCW management decided that Sting was too pious
>and self-righteous for the role. Storm has the beard and hair necessary to play
>Wrestling Jesus. He also has that subtly deranged look that Jesus would no
>doubt have if he were thrust into wrestling.

>The debut of Wrestling Jesus will be
>accompanied by a gigantic marketing
>campaign. "What Would Wrestling Jesus
>Do?" t-shirts and wristbands will be the first items available.

>There seem to be no legal problems about using the name Wrestling Jesus. In an
>incredible development, organized religion let the copyright for the name "Jesus"
>lapse. The name "Jesus" is now the
>property of WCW. "We will let organized religion continue to use the name 'Jesus' as long as it doesn't interfere with what we do," said WCW's Vince Russo. "We
>don't want to be perceived as

>While WCW may own the rights to the
>name "Jesus," it turns out that organized religion inexplicably has a copyright on the term "slapnuts." "Perfect," said
>Russo. "That sets up Jeff Jarrett as the first feud for Wrestling Jesus."

>The one legal obstacle to the debut of Wrestling Jesus is a potential lawsuit by
>the WWF, which is expected to claim that the Wrestling Jesus character is
>based on the opinion Shawn Michaels has of himself as a performer. WWF
>owner Vince McMahon doesn't see the Wrestling Jesus character as a threat
>to WWF ratings dominance, since Vince will return to TV soon and everyone
>knows he's bigger than Jesus. "What a savior I would have made," McMahon
>was heard muttering to himself while flexing and gazing into a backstage mirror.

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