Subject: Nenslo's Video Pick of the Week

From: ePRONO <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Mon, Mar 20, 2000 1:37 AM
Message-ID: <>

PHOTOGRAPHING FAIRIES 1979 directed by Nick Willing

Not the soppy glitterfest the title might suggest and not the one about
the Cottingly Fairies photos. A bereaved and cyinical photographer in
1920s Britain finds himself faced with a photograph of an alleged fairy
which he cannot debunk. With the aid of a psychotropic blossom, he is
drawn into contact with real fairies who are not the usual actresses in
tights and transparent wings, but genuinely non-human messengers between
this world and the next. HEY YOU KNOW ME - I *HATE* FAIRIES but this
film sidesteps EVERY cliche. Ben Kingsley's country vicar comes across
as a violent and angry man without ever doing the usual rant about the
devil's work, or any grimacing and ranting at all. An intelligent and
adult examination of the nature of life and love, and the possibility
that of the two, love may be the more important. Intense, serious and
well-made. Further unneeded proof that in Britain one need not cater to
the lowest common denominator to get a film made. Or, as wifey said,
"Hollywood sucks."

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