Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep

From: (The Bishop)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Tue, Nov 6, 2001 4:20 PM

There's a woman in my office who is opposed to our completely
justified, necessary, and highly admirable war in Afghanistan (the one
9/11). She says "all war is bad," to which I once replied, "So what
would you have done about Hitler?"

"Fighting Hitler represented a total failure of imagination!" she
replied. To the sound of my jaw hitting the floor, she opined that if
all Europe had simply adopted the Scandinavian approach and secretly
resisted the Nazis, they would have fallen FASTER, and with NO
significant casualties!

This, to me, is the typical anti-war mentality. All you "this is due
to U.S. policy blah blah" people ignore an AWFUL LOT of common sense
to arrive at your conclusions.

First off, if you're mad at your government, attack YOUR government.
Anyone with a double-digit IQ can figure out if you keep taunting the
biggest kid on the block, a beating's gonna come your way. You kill a
few thousand of the big kid's siblings, 'bout those
fuel-air bombs, hmmm? LOVELY pattern they make on the ground, dontcha

Second, is my history faulty? The U.S. had colonies in the Middle
East? Where and when? Or is any mistake America made anywhere, ever,
good enough to condemn us of anything some wild-eyed bozo out of the
desert accuses us of? Taking some vague, miasmic guilt over living in
a prosperous country and, instead of volunteering to help poor kids
read or at a soup kitchen to help assuage the guilt, letting it fester
until anything your country has done to it, "it had coming," and you
can't recognize when an enemy is at the gates, is such a bankrupt
system of thought, it collapses on its own. Note the piss-poor showing
at the anti-war rallies that aren't even happening anymore.

Third, Israel is a peaceful, democratic, civilized nation that has
displayed the patience of Job in dealing with the Arab terror
criminals that ring it. In every case, Israel has contrasted the
indiscriminate killing of civilians perpetrated by anti-Semitic Arab
criminals with restrained, measured response against specific,
culpable individuals. To say that somehow the support of the only
democratic government in the whole Middle East is a justification for
even mild rancor, let alone the howling blood-rage these animals
evince, is itself an anti-Semitic remark, and a direct attack on logic
and reason themselves. It flies in the face of recorded facts, and it
accepts at face value the faux-pitiful cries of "We are suffering
victims!" coming from people who willingly, HAPPILY, put their young
sons into a van (sent by the PA) that transports them ten or fifteen
MILES through empty desert to get to an Israeili checkpoint (you
thought the Israeili soldiers were right in the "Palestinian"
villages, didn't you?), for the sole reason of acting as rock-throwing
human shields for the PA "police" who hide behind the children and
shoot at the Israeili soldiers. Then, when the mortally threatened
soldiers fire back and (just as the "Palestinians" intended) hit a
child with gunfire, the lying Arab snakes turn around and say to the
CNN camera, "See? They are murdering our children! See the occupying
government oppressing us!" Yeah, right, Omar. Ever wonder how a
village where not a single person can read or write, even in Arabic,
come by all those protest signs in perfectly worded English? Of course
you didn't, you're too busy straining credulity with your insane (and
not in a good way) bias. You're a self-hating American, and you can't
WAIT for an opportunity to bash. Which would be OK in a SubG kinda way
if you hated ALL the Pinks EQUALLY, but it's obvious you have your
little pet favorites, and your little pet peeves, and you think if you
whine loud and long enough, your delusions will become fact. And if
that's the way it's gotten, ALL bets are off.

This announcement has been paid for by Equal Time for Warmongers,
copyright 8661.

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: "Dan" <>

I have to confess that my knowledge of history isn't what it should be. That
being said, didn't we *take* Palestein from the Palestinians after world war
II and rename it Israel? Isn't that what's supposedly the root of their
dislike for Israelis and Americans?
What was done to us (9-11) was wrong, in no uncertain terms. However, I
don't think I would be a self hating American to understand why other
cultures hate a country that has a history of meddling in the affairs of
others and then imposing its culture on said others. They don't want us
there. Maybe we should acknowledge that and let them have their sandbox
back. They don't want to be raised from third world status. So fuck em. Let
them have their misogynistic laws and bullshit rituals.
I happen to think that bombing those assholes is wrong too, although for
different reasons. I don't think that bombing them is the worst thing we
could do. The worst thing we could do would be to pull our vested interests
from the entire area and leave them to their backward ways. Then we should
reduce our oil dependence and drive the powers that be to bankruptcy.
Maybe this is a gross overgeneralization, but I think not, based on what
I've seen. Leave that area alone and let it come to a natural level. If that
means they all kill each other in the process, so be it. More air for me to

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: "St. Marc the Perpetually Amused" <>

In article <s8ZF7.3463$>, Dan
<> wrote:

> I have to confess that my knowledge of history isn't what it should be. That
> being said, didn't we *take* Palestein from the Palestinians after world war
> II and rename it Israel? Isn't that what's supposedly the root of their
> dislike for Israelis and Americans?

Bomb-Laden couldn't care less about the Palestinians: he never even
mentioned them in any of his diatribes until after the bombings, when
he realized that he'd gone over the line and the Arab world would not
support him doing such things *just* to get the US out of Saudi Arabia.
He needed a hot-button issue and they were handy.

Right now, in order, to the best of my knowledge, these are his

1) US forces out of the Arabian Peninsula.
2) Lifting of sanctions on Arab/Muslim nations, particularly Iraq (Most
Iraqis are not Arabs, hence the modifier.)
3) Resolution of the Palestinian question. What he feels would be an
acceptable resolution, I don't know, but I'd be willing to bet it
involves at least a Palestinian state with Jerusalem inside its
borders. The Israelis will never go for this. They've been praying to
hold Passover in Jerusalem since before Mohammed had his visions.

Insofar as "taking" Palestine from the Palestinians and giving it to
the Jews, it was the British who did that, with UN sanction. While it's
true we could have vetoed the sanction or exerted pressure on the Brits
not to do it, so could anybody else on the security council - and I
don't see Arabs dropping planes on Parliament or whatever they've got
over there worth dropping planes on. He's attacking us because we are
the big boy on the block and it makes him feel less helpless and
ashamed to be a member of a degenerate and backwards people. (Muslim
civilizations have achieved extraordinary things: Islam is as
compatible with civilization as any other major religion, such as that
is. It's its modern day practitioners who are ignorant savages.)

St. Marc

St. Marc the Perpetually Amused
Disciple of Eris
Between .sig's

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: "St. Marc the Perpetually Amused" <>

I should have said, "It's *some* of its modern day practitioners who are
ignorant savages."

Basically, the more strictly you obey the tenets of your religion, the
more likely you are to be an ignorant savage. This is notably the case
with Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, but holds for pretty much all
religions. Fortunately, it's not possible to strictly obey the tenets
of my two major religions, because a) they're ludicrous and they don't
bother to hide it, and b) they're subject to change without notice.

St. Marc

St. Marc the Perpetually Amused
Disciple of Eris
Between .sig's

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: (Rev. Lemuel Atom)
Newsgroups: alt.slack (The Bishop) wrote in message news:<>...

> Second, is my history faulty? The U.S. had colonies in the Middle
> East? Where and when?

Iran, 1953-1979

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: (The Bishop)

What a joke.

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: Arbane the Terrible <>

Sound about right to me. Remember, the USA generally prefers to hire local
talent, rather than shooting the protestors ourselves.

"Remember,the plural of 'moron' is 'focus group'."
-- James A. Wolf

Subject: Re: Protestors Oppose War, World Rolls Over and Goes Back to Sleep
From: (Rev. Lemuel Atom) (The Bishop) wrote in message news:<>...

> What a joke.

A joke? A sales campaign? I rawther doubt that all of the hapless
ragheads who were murdered, tortured, or otherwise greivously annoyed
by the Anglo-American puppet government propped up in Iran to keep the
oil flowing would think your joke was particularly funny. Holy
Shiite, man, just how formal is our definition of a "colony"? We paid
'em money, offered 'em military and intelligence "services," and they
did they dirty work, repressed the living shit out of any dissent, and
managed to seriously fatten the wallets of petro-families like the
Bushes. Not a colony? Bullshit - the only thing missing was a U.S.
flag flying over Tehran.

Funny thing this - someone pointed out the other day that despite all
the "Why Did This Happen?" wailing and gnashing of teeth to be heard
lately, the media has not done a single retrospective of U.S. foreign
policy in the Middle East - something that could go a long way towards
answering said question. However, it ain't gonna get done anytime
soon - people would rather hear some simplistic bullshit about good
and evil that to have to process the fact that the U.S. Gub'mint has
done some pretty shitty things in other parts of the world in the name
of freedom, democracy and capitalism.


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