United We Stampede.

From: Tesla Coil <tescoil@irtc.net>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sat, Sep 29, 2001 11:16 AM

Make-believe patriotism?
Dissenting voices not welcome in a flag-waving chorus

September 26, 2001 Posted: 3:57 AM EDT (0757 GMT)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Uneasy with America's flag-waving fervor?
Button up or risk being ostracized.

Expressions of patriotism are so fervent since the terrorist
attacks that citizens who do or say anything against the tide
risk suffering a public backlash.


Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: "U.M. Zaporets" <reverend_jim_jones@yahoo.com>

That's right! And I was just thinking that we don't have nearly enough
patriotism-doubting on this newsgroup!

Sure, there was an understandable flurry of jingoistic posts when `it all
went down' but since then the malignant yellow poison of doubt and cynicism
has crept back in to pollute the red white and blue!

Oh sure, we're all subgeniuses and therefore *ought* to be above ganging up
on and turning on our own like a pack of ravening jackals but this is a

Therefore, I call on all TRUE subgeniuses to be ultra-vigilant in these dark
days! Some cows are too sacred to be sneered at publicly and if you see
anyone who seems to be slipping or backsliding then - for heaven's sake! -
doubt their patriotism publicly.

So if some smartmouth follows up with a sarcastic comment to your post or
says something you don't necessarily understand but don't like the tone of,
that may be all you need to castigate them for their treachery.

Now get out there and denounce someone today! You're doing it for your
country, for democracy, and all that's right and free!!!


Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: John Starrett <jstarret@carbon.cudenver.edu>

That sounded a little sarcastic.

> Sure, there was an understandable flurry of jingoistic posts when `it all
> went down' but since then the malignant yellow poison of doubt and cynicism
> has crept back in to pollute the red white and blue!

A real American uses the word patriotic, not jingoistic.

> So if some smartmouth follows up with a sarcastic comment to your post or
> says something you don't necessarily understand but don't like the tone of,
> that may be all you need to castigate them for their treachery.

See above.

> Now get out there and denounce someone today! You're doing it for your
> country, for democracy, and all that's right and free!!!

Who won the last world series, comrade?

John Starrett
"We have nothing to fear but the scary stuff."

Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: joecosby@mindspring.com (Joe Cosby)

"U.M. Zaporets" <reverend_jim_jones@yahoo.com> hunched over a

>Now get out there and denounce someone today! You're doing it for your
>country, for democracy, and all that's right and free!!!


Joe Cosby


Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: joecosby@mindspring.com (Joe Cosby)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sat, Sep 29, 2001 4:06 PM

John Starrett <jstarret@carbon.cudenver.edu> hunched over a computer,
typing feverishly;
thunder crashed, John Starrett <jstarret@carbon.cudenver.edu> laughed
madly, then wrote:

>Who won the last world series, comrade?


just a guess.

i don't follow baseball much.

Joe Cosby

The whole point of having a religion is to be able to do things on
longer time scales than a single human lifetime or a few generations.
- Josh Geller

Sig by Kookie Jar 5.98d http://go.to/generalfrenetics/

Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: "U.M. Zaporets" <reverend_jim_jones@yahoo.com>

"John Starrett" <jstarret@carbon.cudenver.edu> wrote in message

> That sounded a little sarcastic.

Starrett, eh? Sounds Afghani to me.

> Who won the last world series, comrade?

You'll have to sign a loyalty oath before I tell you that.

Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: "Paul E. Jamison" <pauljmsn@infi.net>

John Starrett wrote:

> Who won the last world series, comrade?

The guys in charge of price-gouging at the concession stands.

Paul E. Jamison


"There's more pressure on a vet to get it right.
People say 'It was God's will' when Granny dies,
but they get *angry* when they lose a cow."
- Terry Pratchett

Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: Reverend DJ Epoch <nunyabiz@noway.com>


You gotta problem with Capitalism there, comrad???

~~ Reverend DJ Epoch ~~
~~ The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion ~~
~~ Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall, Divine Redneck Clench ~~
~~ Southern by birth, American by the grace of "Bob" ~~

Subject: Re: United We Stampede.
From: Reverend DJ Epoch <nunyabiz@noway.com>

I sneer at any and ALL sacred cows! The only sacred cows I do NOT sneer at are
the ones that gave their lives to fill the space between the sesame buns for
my hamburger at Fuddruckers. AND HAMBURGERS ARE AS AMURICAN AS YOU CAN GIT!!!
OEspecially with AMURICAN CHEESE!!!

>>So if some smartmouth follows up with a sarcastic comment to your post or
>>says something you don't necessarily understand but don't like the tone
>>of, that may be all you need to castigate them for their treachery.

The last po-bucker to try and castigate me pulled back a bloody nub, and now
wears a hook in place of a hand. I tend to go mental when someone can't handle
a good old fashoined dose of SARCASM!!! You'd think they were illegal alienz
or something. BEENO FLAGRANTE' PRO-BONO AD INFINITUM! With cheese. Deal with

>>Now get out there and denounce someone today! You're doing it for your
>>country, for democracy, and all that's right and free!!!

Ok...I denounce you for being ...ahh ...err.. well, something. Whtever it is,
the boy ain't right. Brett Butler says so, and she's the angel of the sacred
sacrements (Ripple) here at Our Lady of Perpetual Motion Cathedral. And if you
get a Tiki torch behind her just right, her hair glows like Monica in Touched
by a Hell's Angel.....right before she gets a hairdoo flambe'.

> --
>Joe Cosby

Landrue is head of the Elk's Lodge here. But whenever we have a vote on
anything he keeps beating people over the head with a lead pipe until he gets
his way. We'd vote for a new elder but he's gotten damned good with that pipe.

~~ Reverend DJ Epoch ~~
~~ The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion ~~
~~ Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall, Divine Redneck Clench ~~
~~ Southern by birth, American by the grace of "Bobo/oo ~~

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