support my proposal or I'll CRY!

From: "Rev. Magdalen" <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Jan 25, 2002

Well! I put together a very clear and precise proposal for a new newsgroup
called alt.magdalen, for all things magdalenian, and this RUDE person on
alt.config has called it an "unnecessary vanity group"!!! And then I tried
to get the people on IRC to go there and support me, but they were all too
BUSY or too LAZY or SOMETHING! I'm THIS CLOSE to crying right now! If
nobody supports my proposal then I WILL cry FOR SURE!!!

And not only THAT but I will change the hold music on the SubGenius toll
free line to REALLY BAD DISCO! Unless you LIKE that, then you'll get REALLY
BAD FOLK MUSIC!! I'm talking "Seasons in the Sun" here, people! Nobody
wants that.


Subject: Re: support my proposal or I'll CRY!
From: "The Not Quite Sane One" <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Jan 25, 2002 3:06 PM
Message-ID: <>

"Rev. Magdalen" <> wrote in message
> If nobody supports my proposal then I WILL cry FOR SURE!!!

I'll support it.

> And not only THAT but I will change the hold music on the SubGenius
> toll free line to REALLY BAD DISCO! Unless you LIKE that, then you'll
> get REALLY BAD FOLK MUSIC!! I'm talking "Seasons in the Sun" here,
> people! Nobody wants that.

Rather than folk music, how about horrible 70's light rock: "Chevy
Van," "Havin' My Baby," anything by the Carpenters, if you're taking
suggestions--they make *me* squirm (not in a good way).

Rev. St. Klyf "Not Max Cannon" the Not-Quite-Sane, ESB

"It is not I who am crazy, it is I who am MAD!"
--Ren Hoek
From: nu-monet <>

Rev. Magdalen wrote:
> Well! I put together a very clear and precise proposal
> for a new newsgroup called alt.magdalen, for all things
> magdalenian, and this RUDE person on alt.config has called
> it an "unnecessary vanity group"!!!

a) It *should* be a binary group, anyway.

b) There should also be an alt.binaries.legume,
and alt.binaries.decadence

c) And alt.binaries.fernandinande.repost, likewise.
Several years of material there.

But, like the song says, "You gotta keep 'em separated."
From: nu-monet <>

The Bishop wrote:
> nu-monet wrote:
> > c) And alt.binaries.fernandinande.repost, likewise.
> EWWWW!!! Don't give filthy LEMURS a forum! Disgusting!

When they took away the Lemurs forum,
I said nothing, for I was not a Lemur.
Then they took away the Prarie Squid forum,
And I said nothing, because I was too drunk
At the time but might have all else being equal...
But then they came for the Man-Emu Luv Enjoyers
And I said, "Just waidaminnit Jim, you know he's
Lyin', I've been livin' here all of mah life.
Ahm a faithful follower of brother John Bircher,
Ah belong to the Antioch Babtist Church, an' I
got an Emu in mah garage, you can call home and
ask mah wife!"
From: "Rev. Magdalen" <>

"The Not Quite Sane One" <> wrote in message
> Rather than folk music, how about horrible 70's light rock: "Chevy
> Van," "Havin' My Baby," anything by the Carpenters, if you're taking
> suggestions--they make *me* squirm (not in a good way).

Well, I'd like to thank everyone for their support. And now I can reveal my
LITTLE SECRET!!! There IS no "hold music" for the SubGenius line!!! I
fooled you all!!! MWUAHAHA!!!

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