I remember

Date: Sun, Jan 20, 2002 11:08 PM

From: "Pater Nostril" <hotfoot@inamenospam.com>

I remember teachers sobbing in the hallways the day JFK was shot

I remember the look of disgust on my mother's face when she first saw a
picture of Jimi Hendrix

I remember my brother being kicked out of the house for having hair that
barely reached over his ears

I remeber being excited that there would be no school the day after Martin
Luther King was assassinated

Those were the days


From: "Rev. Ivan Stang" <stang@subgenius.com>

*SNURF* and the really horrible thing is, I too remember EXACTLY those


How long HAVE we possibly been on these "Escape Vessels," anyway??


From: "Unclaimed Mysteries" <k4doh@mindspring.com>

I remember we were flying low and hit something in the air.

It Came From C. L. Smith's Unclaimed Mysteries.

Willie <willie@waylonsplace.net> wrote in alabama.sports.auburn: "Because I
know your THE AUTHORITY."


From: "Rev. Dead Corpse" <DeadCorpse@justanotherfucker.com>

I remember wiping sweat from my brow as I tried to gage the weight of the
little golden statuette. Taking a bag of sand, I dumped some on the floor.
Then, with cat like swiftness, I switched the bag for the priceless idol. I
had gaged wrong of course and the trap was sprung.

Then there was the time I was doing gamma ray experiments and accidentally
overdosed on the radiation. For some reason, I started winning a LOT of
heated arguments after that even though I could never remember the ending of
them. I went through a lot of pairs of pants.

The Rev. Dead Corpse from the Lone Pentagram State

"Life is tough. Life is tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

"Ya know? For an Evil Super-Genius, he really isn't too bright."
"If you beat your sword into a plowshare, you will end up plowing the fields
of those who kept their swords."
-Rev. Dead Corpse

"When the Voices in your head start calling you by the wrong name, is that a
bad sign?"
-The Mistress of Nothing

Send $1: The SubGenius Foundation, P.O. Box 140306,
Dallas, TX 75214


From: Monseignor Tartarus Sanctus <tartarus@sophus.cudenver.edu>

> I remember we were flying low and hit something in the air.

Nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw
Nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw

Monseignor Tartarus Sanctus
Salvian H.P. Synod


From: "palimpsest" <angorw@temple.com.plex>

> How long HAVE we possibly been on these "Escape Vessels," anyway??

Tyrell Corp.


From: "palimpsest" <angorw@temple.com.plex>

> > How long HAVE we possibly been on these "Escape Vessels," anyway?

Less than four years.

"Incept date: July 5th, 1998."


From: HellPope Huey <hellpopehuey@subspamgeenyus.co

>And How long HAVE we possibly been on these "Escape Vessels," anyway??

But Stang, the Church is part OF my Escape Vessel! I mean, it smells funny and
needs MOPPING and all, but, well, you know...

I remember when Hendrix died. My weirdo math teacher Ada Valles set class aside
and told us what a waste it was. She expounded on his talent and said it was a
real loss for such a gift to be snuffed out because he had no one to simply lift
his head from his own vomit. WAY before drugs became an uncool marketing pivot
from both ends, she plainly suggested that we all had too much potential to die
in our own puke and not to let others pressure us into bad paths or think for
us. She waxed WROTH, dude.

Years later, when I had the pleasure of playing his work on the air, I
remembered her taking the time to give him The Nod. I liked his acid thang well
enough, but it was the BEAUTIFUL stuff like Golden Rose that stuck the most. He
got et up by where and WHEN he was. He filmed Keith Emerson doing his
knife-in-the-Hammond bit, ran it back at high speed and laughed his ass off.
Keith said they'd hit it off well and most likely would have played together at
some point. Sigghh.....

You sure never expect for an 8th-grade remedial math teacher to suddenly
express the SLACK of appreciation for someone so far from her own world, but
there she was. Praise Saint Ada, praise Connieism and especially that variety
which plunges from a clear blue sky and bounces off yer male-istic "Bob"Gland.

HellPope Huey, hellpopehuey@subgenius.com
We all live in a yellow submarine
I'm claustrophobic as hell
You'd better let me out

"People that are really weird
can get into sensitive positions
and have a tremendous impact on history."
- J. Danforth Quayle

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra,
which suddenly flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night the ice weasels come.
- Matt Groening, "Love is Hell"


From: wbarwell@starbase.neosoft.com (William Barwell)

I remember... I remember... Well, no I don't remember.
Never mind.....

Pope Charles
SubGenius Pope of Houston


From: mshotz@aol.comnospam (James T. Rex King of the Monsters)

I remember hearing Reagan was shot while stuck on a Shit Detail in the Army at
Ft. Hood. We just shrugged and went back to painting trash cans.

I remember the day BoB sosld me that land in Florida.

I remember the day while station at Ft. Hood, we weere driving down I-35 to San
Antonio and stopped at a rest Stop. There was a guy giving blow jobs who looked
just like George W. Bush.

I remeber when I actaully thought a low life SOB like myself could actually get
ahead in life, even though I had no money and no inportant "connections"

MSHOTZ: The Post Post Modern Man

"Just think, the next time I shoot someone I could get arrested!"

Lt. Frank Dredin, "The Naked Gun"


From: "palimpsest" <angorw@temple.com.plex

> I remember the day while station at Ft. Hood, we weere driving down I-35 to San
> Antonio and stopped at a rest Stop. There was a guy giving blow jobs who looked
> just like George W. Bush.

Did he swallow?


From: HellPope Huey <hellpopehuey@subspamgeenyus.com>

>I remember... I remember... Well, no I don't remember.
>Never mind.....

Don't remember what?

And don't forget to KEEP not remembering it. If you thought it was bad going
down, you'll REALLY hate it coming back up.

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