I need updated "blurbage" etc. for the Starwood 2002 website. Jeff only sent me last years stuff and you're about the only person to not have updated material. Even if you sent to him, please send it to me.


Code Name: Infinite Slack

The Ten Year War on World Slack grinds on. The High Officers of the Fatherland Homestead Security Company have decreed that YOU are at the center of a Conspiracy of Slack. Are you? When the cultural gestalto asks you for your papers, will you resist? When you pull the wool over your own eyes, are you really then more free, or simply deeper in hock to "Bob"? Rev. Ivan Stang from the Church of the SubGenius will address these burning questions. Musician-surgeons from the Einstein's Secret Outlaws Operating Theater will be standing by to deprogram any audience members who might react badly to the innoculation.

In the Pufferdome:

An old fashioned down-home SubGenius Devival and ESO concert -- except that it's all new-fashioned, and up-space instead of down-home. No one can predictexactly what will happen inside the Pufferdome this night, only that it will look, sound, and probably smell, VERY weird. ARE you ready to meet "Bob"? Precisely how much are you willing to risk? As the End Times draw nigh, is the survival of YOUR genotype, or your so-called "sanity," really that important, compared to the seed-code-word of DOBBS? Whether you seek answers, or just want to rock your living hind off, pass through the airlock into the Pufferdome, and you will get what you came for.

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