A quote

From: "Blackout" <blackout@404infomagic.net>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2002 10:11 AM

"Americans are supposed to be willing to DIE for their freedoms so how
come they are taking away our freedoms to keep us from DYING?"

- a pal of mine


From: Artemia Salina <y2k@sheayright.com>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sat, Jun 15, 2002 3:44 AM

Blackout wrote:
> "Americans are supposed to be willing to DIE for their freedoms so how
> come they are taking away our freedoms to keep us from DYING?"
> - a pal of mine

Those were the old Americans. My scientific tests have PROVEN that
THOSE Americans ate BUTTER, and the NEW Americans eat MARGARINE!
THIS IS THE CRUX OF THE PROBLEM! Also, the OLD Americans were scared
of CLAY MODELS (cf _King Kong_) whereas the NEW Americans are scared
of COMPUTER GRAPHICS (cf _Jurassic Park_)!

All of the BRAVE (butter eating, scared of clay models) people DIED,
fighting for their freedoms, leaving nothing but the sniveling COWARDS
(margarine eating, scared of computer graphics) behind. Everyone
forgets that a CONSTANT SUPPLY of BUTTER and CLAY MODELS are needed
in the fight for freedom!

Artemia Salina -- http://www.drpez.com/drali1.htm
Chordal Interposition Unitedly Improvisatizes Diary Madrigaler!!! Just ask Kevan!


From: Unit 4 <UnitIV@Sputum.COM>

On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 07:11:23 -0700, "Blackout" <blackout@404infomagic.net>
wrote, in alt.slack:

}"Americans are supposed to be willing to DIE for their freedoms so how
}come they are taking away our freedoms to keep us from DYING?"
}- a pal of mine

"But is my country willing to die for me?" -- Jefferson Airplane

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