retardation is an airborne mental virus

From: "Steven Madsen" <>

retardation is an airborne mental virus. it travels from the infected brain out of the flesh and into the receptors of the unsuspecting victim. retardation is more dangerous than any other virus known to man for several reasons.

1) it has quantum properties and can therefore be transmitted thru devices such as television, radio, and even thru our precious computers.

2) the retardation virus is seductive and will use everything in its arsenal to infect you. Money, Power, Sex, Drugs, Love,(while not exclusively the property of the disease) are often used as bait by the retardation virus to lure you into its torrid world of hypocrisy lies and foolishness.

3) the retardation virus has created the worlds biggest evil. a program known as an "organization". these are traps laid by groups of retardation viruses in order to recruit fresh brains and incorporate them (much like the borg) into their collective. the viruses use a basic pyramid scheme (ripped off from the ancient Egyptians) and refuse to accept criticism of their retardation from anyone below them in the matrix as to preserve prior accomplishments and to inhibit the destruction of the program by those who are wise to its process.

The Center For Advanced Research

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