Subject: New Movie To Be Better Or Worse Than Expected

From: dyskolos <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack

After advance screenings of the upcoming summer blockbuster hit film,
critics are agreed that some viewers will be disappointed and others
delighted. "Many will have strong opinions about the film before
viewing it," one critic said,"They will tend to try to fulfill their
preconceptions, but some will be surprised that the experience is
considerably different from what they imagined." Critics agree that
the film is aimed at the widest possible audience for the purpose of
generating maximum revenue.


Subject: Re: New Movie To Be Better Or Worse Than Expected
From: (Joe Cosby) laughed madly, then wrote:

>After advance screenings of the upcoming summer blockbuster hit film,
>critics are agreed that some viewers will be disappointed and others
>delighted. "Many will have strong opinions about the film before
>viewing it," one critic said,"They will tend to try to fulfill their
>preconceptions, but some will be surprised that the experience is
>considerably different from what they imagined." Critics agree that
>the film is aimed at the widest possible audience for the purpose of
>generating maximum revenue.

Oh I saw that one.

It wasn't all that big a deal.


They'll take my nudity when they pry it out of my cold dead fingers.
- Rev. Ivan Stang


Subject: Re: New Movie To Be Better Or Worse Than Expected
From: "Blackout" <>

"Joe Cosby" wrote

> >After advance screenings of the upcoming summer blockbuster hit film,
> >critics are agreed that some viewers will be disappointed and others
> >delighted. "Many will have strong opinions about the film before
> >viewing it," one critic said,"They will tend to try to fulfill their
> >preconceptions, but some will be surprised that the experience is
> >considerably different from what they imagined." Critics agree that
> >the film is aimed at the widest possible audience for the purpose of
> >generating maximum revenue.
> Oh I saw that one.
>> It wasn't all that big a deal.

Just wait a few more months, I heard that "upcoming summer blockbuster
hit film II: THE FINAL MONEYGRAB" is gonna be THE BOMB!


Subject: Re: New Movie To Be Better Or Worse Than Expected
From: (Joe Cosby)

I saw the reviews. Apparently they're ALL going to be the greatest
movie ever made. There were even critics and vaguely remembered
celebrities to say so. They must be good, the guy that was announcing
the previews was SO excited. I bet he just goes home and throws up at
the end of the day.

And the thirty seconds they did show were just PACKED with non-stop
action so you KNOW it's gonna be a "NON-STOP ROLLER COASTER RIDE"
(Joel Shapiro, Albuequerqe Times). And that one COMEDY! It was
LAUGHTER!" (Hubert Feeknerk, Wine and Cheese Review Daily).

The future is good. In fact, I think the future is going to be better
than the past EVER was.



I have sold more books about physics than Madonna has about sex.
- Stephen Hawking

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