Afghan Opium 'Threat to World Stability'

Posted by:: König Prüße, GfbAEV
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 18:01:36 GMT

Afghan Opium 'Threat to World Stability'
Afghanistan is on the verge of becoming a narcotics state.

Experts predict that if everyone got high,
things would go downhill on a rollerskate.

Posted by:: "Rev. Richard Skull"
Date: 6 Mar 2005 12:59:00 -0800

>>Experts predict that if everyone got high,
things would go downhill on a rollerskate.<<

Thats why Bush had to overthrow the Taliban! They dried up all the
skank making the quality and price so high even HE could not score good

Now he and the twins can sit in the old LBJ bowling ally and shoot-up
to thier hearts content!