The nenslo Trap

Posted by:: "frater S.O.D.D.I."
Date: 5 Mar 2005 17:58:03 -0800


angelicusrex wrote:

> I have no idea what a "Nenslo Trap" is.

The "nenslo Trap" is like the famed Indian Monkey Trap which is
essentially a large gourd with a hole in it. The gourd is filled with
nuts and tied to a tree.

The hole is big enough so a monkey can reach its hand inside and grab
the nuts in its fist... but NOT big enough to pull the closed fist full
of nuts out.

The monkey is smart enough to to reach its hand inside the gourd to get
the nuts, but not smart enough to realize that it needs to unnclench
its fist and drop the nuts in order to get its hand out. The monkey is
greedy and doesn't want to let go of the nuts.

The monkey is trapped by its own greed and stupidity. One simply goes
out and collects the monkeys from the traps, sets them up again and
viola! Test animals for the pharmaceutical industry's insatiable maw.

For the record, I am NOT calling you "greedy" or "stupid".

I'm just saying that sometime ya just gotta let go of the nuts.

Posted by:: "iDRMRSR"
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 21:29:24 -0500

Well, if you filled a gigantic gourd full of Kirstie Alleys, and left only a
small enough hole for me to get my unfisted hand out, I wouldn't be able to
wank for a few days. I guess.


Posted by:: "angelicusrex"
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 23:29:52 -0700


So you're saying Nenslo wants me to grab a fistful of his nuts!?
Wow...Uhm...Maybe some other time...
