My new lapel button

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:28:20 -0800


Correspondent:: rlan538885@aol.comnobozos (RLan538885)
Date: 05 Nov 2004 02:47:51 GMT


Now THAT rates the, "Irony Award."

"100,000 lemmings can't be wrong."

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 19:08:49 -0800

RLan538885 wrote:
> Now THAT rates the, "Irony Award."

Nice try, dipshit.

Correspondent:: rlan538885@aol.comnobozos (RLan538885)
Date: 05 Nov 2004 14:50:25 GMT

>Nice try

Thanks. I used the smallest words I could for you.

"100,000 lemmings can't be wrong."

Correspondent:: "Blackout"
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 08:30:55 -0700


"RLan538885" wrote

> >Nice try
> Thanks. I used the smallest words I could for you.

I'll be standing in front of the Lynnwood Public Library between 7:00 PM and
7:15 PM tonight and (if necessary) for the next three nights, to give you a
chance to come up and confront me in person.

Correspondent:: rlan538885@aol.comnobozos (RLan538885)
Date: 06 Nov 2004 04:00:31 GMT

>I'll be standing in front of the Lynnwood Public Library between 7:00 PM and
>7:15 PM tonight and (if necessary) for the next three nights, to give you a
>chance to come up and confront me in person.

You weren't there. You just proved you are a lying pussy.

"100,000 lemmings can't be wrong."

Correspondent:: Artemia Salina
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 02:41:35 -0500

On Sat, 06 Nov 2004 04:00:31 +0000, RLan538885 wrote:

> You just proved you are a lying pussy.

You just proved you are a reclining dick.

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 22:45:48 -0800

RLan538885 wrote:
> >Nice try
> Thanks. I used the smallest words I could for you.

And yet you are still a peabrained fuckhead.

Correspondent:: rlan538885@aol.comnobozos (RLan538885)
Date: 06 Nov 2004 22:51:34 GMT

>And yet you are still a peabrained fuckhead.

You shouldn't try to respond to my posts while Blackout is sodomizing you. It
obviously disrupts your already feeble neural pathways.

"100,000 lemmings can't be wrong."

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 19:13:55 -0800

RLan538885 wrote:
> >And yet you are still a peabrained fuckhead.
> You shouldn't try to respond to my posts while Blackout is sodomizing you. It
> obviously disrupts your already feeble neural pathways.

You shouldn't try to pretend you don't suck.

Oooh, NEURAL PATHWAYS, somebody's studying for his doctorate.

Correspondent:: rlan538885@aol.comnobozos (RLan538885)
Date: 07 Nov 2004 05:35:19 GMT

>Oooh, NEURAL PATHWAYS, somebody's studying for his doctorate.

So you don't deny that they run right up your rectum? That's telling.

"100,000 lemmings can't be wrong."

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:13:27 -0800

RLan538885 wrote:
> >Oooh, NEURAL PATHWAYS, somebody's studying for his doctorate.
> So you don't deny that they run right up your rectum? That's telling.

So you don't deny you are so stupid and retarded that you had to go to a
super extra retard school where the teachers were all flunk outs from
special ed and you still got F Minuses in all your classes even though
they were things like Breathing, Not Crapping Pants, and Taking Even One
Step Without Falling Over Or Running Into Something, and you're so
stupid and retarded that you got fired from your job picking bugs out of
elephant dung because you couldn't tell the difference between the
elephant dung and yourself so now you have a job staring at your
reflection in a doorknob and every time somebody opens the door it
smacks you right in the head which happens about every two minutes
because it's the door to the only bathroom on the Diarrhea Ward and you
spend all your pay paying people to kick the door open as hard as they
can so it knocks you out because they told you that when you were
knocked out that was called "vacation" and you want to accumulate as
much vacation time as possible so you can go to Disney's California
Adventure and you are so stupid and retarded you would ENJOY IT? That's
totally jackassed like a fuckfaced pukesack.

Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 05:23:20 GMT


nenslo wrote:

> RLan538885 wrote:
> >
> > >Oooh, NEURAL PATHWAYS, somebody's studying for his doctorate.
> >
> > So you don't deny that they run right up your rectum? That's telling.
> >
> So you don't deny you are so stupid and retarded that you had to go to a
> super extra retard school where the teachers were all flunk outs from
> special ed and you still got F Minuses in all your classes even though
> they were things like Breathing, Not Crapping Pants, and Taking Even One
> Step Without Falling Over Or Running Into Something, and you're so
> stupid and retarded that you got fired from your job picking bugs out of
> elephant dung because you couldn't tell the difference between the
> elephant dung and yourself so now you have a job staring at your
> reflection in a doorknob and every time somebody opens the door it
> smacks you right in the head which happens about every two minutes
> because it's the door to the only bathroom on the Diarrhea Ward and you
> spend all your pay paying people to kick the door open as hard as they
> can so it knocks you out because they told you that when you were
> knocked out that was called "vacation" and you want to accumulate as
> much vacation time as possible so you can go to Disney's California
> Adventure and you are so stupid and retarded you would ENJOY IT? That's
> totally jackassed like a fuckfaced pukesack.

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 03:32:18 GMT

In article <>, nenslo




HellPope Huey
I was a teen-aged whatchamacallit;
as you can see, the condition became chronic

People that are really very weird
can get into sensitive positions
and have a tremendous impact on history.
- Dan Quayle

"Compared to you, he's a whole other species!
You should be his pet!"
- "Malcolm In The Middle"