
Correspondent:: asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
Date: 12 Nov 2004 17:14:11 GMT

FUCK! I just FUCKED up an FUCKING installation
of the DiVX fuck now that I fucking BOUGHT it
and I've got this big fuckin movie I want to get
off my FUCKING hard drive and I've just spent
fucking AIRFARE at the local dentist when I
could have fixed that fucking broken-in-half
tooth in France for nearly FREE but it was TOO
fuckin PAINFUL to leave go and I spent EVEN
MORE just a few weeks ago on my FUCKIN DOG'S
TEETH and those TEETH were only PULLED OUT
of her mouth (but she IS a FEROCIOUS BITCH
who needed HEAVY SEDATION just for the vet
to have a look at her) and then the fucking
ROTORS on the old wheels went they day the
REPO MAN came and took the NEW WHEELS
AWAY because my LAWYER IS TOO SLOW with
the shit I needed and I still owe him $100.00
and I could go pay him that today BUT I'M TOO
takle my dog for a walk and we can both sink
our rotten fixed-up teeth into the THROAT of
the first person who PISSES US OFF which will
likely be the FIRST PERSON I SEE or maybe i
should first blow off some steam by telling
all you fucking subgenius motherfuckers and
other assorted KOOK-JOBS to GO FUCK OFF,
you fucking fucks -- my dog WILL FART on
each and every one of you! I will too! Arrgh,

Maybe I should lay off the mexican coffee.

Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:48:22 GMT

In article <>,
asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc) wrote:

> FUCK! I just FUCKED up an FUCKING installation
> of the DiVX fuck now that I fucking BOUGHT it
> and I've got this big fuckin movie I want to get
> off my FUCKING hard drive and I've just spent
> fucking AIRFARE at the local dentist when I
> could have fixed that fucking broken-in-half
> tooth in France for nearly FREE but it was TOO
> fuckin PAINFUL to leave go and I spent EVEN
> MORE just a few weeks ago on my FUCKIN DOG'S
> TEETH and those TEETH were only PULLED OUT
> of her mouth (but she IS a FEROCIOUS BITCH
> who needed HEAVY SEDATION just for the vet
> to have a look at her) and then the fucking
> ROTORS on the old wheels went they day the
> REPO MAN came and took the NEW WHEELS
> AWAY because my LAWYER IS TOO SLOW with
> the shit I needed and I still owe him $100.00
> and I could go pay him that today BUT I'M TOO
> takle my dog for a walk and we can both sink
> our rotten fixed-up teeth into the THROAT of
> the first person who PISSES US OFF which will
> likely be the FIRST PERSON I SEE or maybe i
> should first blow off some steam by telling
> all you fucking subgenius motherfuckers and
> other assorted KOOK-JOBS to GO FUCK OFF,
> you fucking fucks -- my dog WILL FART on
> each and every one of you! I will too! Arrgh,

Sounds like you really need a hug, but this is the wrong place to come
for it; the kind we give will just abcess your remaining teeth.

My advice: throw your dog at your lawyer hard enough to knock him out,
steal his wallet, use the needed combination of the cash and credit
cards therein to replace your DivX stuff, repair your car, fix your
teeth, buy your dog a steak, order a bunch of women's underwear and send
the bill to the guy's WIFE and then anonymously mail his wallet back to
him with everything else intact.

Life is but a dream, especially when some motherfucker turns it into a
nightmare. YOU GO BOY!!!!


HellPope Huey
Sick minds roll down similar gutters

Democracy is the theory
that the common people know what they want
and deserve to get it good and hard.
- H. L. Mencken

"There are people Picasso would look at
and say "Hm, nuthin' I could do with that!'"
- "Shorties"