
Correspondent:: (KD et al)
Date: 21 Oct 2004 22:22:30 GMT

3 people, out of the blue this week told me that I looked "happy". What the
hell is this? Uncalled for and unprovoked comments just out of thin air.

Happy? What the fuck!
--"Oh, hell, don't let them drink your tears and want more!..I'll be damned if
death wears MY sadness for glad rags. Don't feed them one damn thing..Breathe!
"SURE there is! Me! You!..All of us!..Look!" -Ray Bradbury

Correspondent:: "nu-monet v7.0"
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 15:30:03 -0700

KD et al wrote:
> 3 people, out of the blue this week told me
> that I looked "happy". What the hell is this?
> Uncalled for and unprovoked comments just out
> of thin air.

They say you look "happy" in the same way that
at another time they say you look "natural."

"I wish to thank those who have been
admirably relentless in reminding us
when the line between doing a good
thing and thinking a bad thing has
been crossed."
-- Frank DiGiovanni

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:17:04 -0700

On 21 Oct 2004 22:22:30 GMT, (KD et al) wrote:

>3 people, out of the blue this week told me that I looked "happy". What the
>hell is this? Uncalled for and unprovoked comments just out of thin air.
>Happy? What the fuck!

I hate when people do that. I never have the foggiest idea why people
think I am one way or another.

My mom and one ex-girlfriend will/would sometimes decide that
something was wrong with me, that I was upset about something, due to
some trigger which their keen spidey-senses were detecting. "What's
wrong, Joe?" "Nothing ..." But oh no, they're never happy with that.
"No REALLY, what's wrong?" "NOTHING". No, their sixth sense never
fails. "Well, I wish you would talk about it." "THERE IS NOTHING

"See, I knew there was something wrong"

No joke. It -always- leads to that.

The worse thing is, any time of any day there are good things and bad
things ricocheting around in my head, probably true of most people.
So when somebody says "what's wrong?" more or less at random, there
usually is -something- wrong in there somewhere. If I'm not thinking
about it, I will immediately latch on to whatever one thing is vaguely
in the back of my head whcih I would never have devoted a moment's
thought to otherwise and now there IS something wrong.

I think that's why some people, couples or groups of friends, orbit in
each other's misery. Really, look at married couples out in public.
Uusally if either of them is miserable they both are.

Having people tell me I look happy or look good ... can be OK, but
then I wonder, if I look happy today, what are they saying I usually
look like?

I usually stay pretty neutral. I hate locking into other people's
body language or them locking into mine. It's creepy, invasive. I
suppose by all rights I am incredibly oversensitive that way.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
That simple minded sfb snorted enough coke to build bin
Laden's mountain fortress. Let's see him stand before a
wartime tribunal.
- John Starret

Correspondent:: "nu-monet v7.0"
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 20:10:12 -0700

Zapanaz wrote:
> "See, I knew there was something wrong"
> No joke. It -always- leads to that.

The best ha-ha you can have with them when
they do something like that is to utterly
leave them dangling.

"Oh, I was flipping around on the teevee and
they had this girl on who was really suffering
about something some guy had done to her, but
I don't want to hear about stuff like that,
all crying and everything. I didn't see what
channel it was on."

Hopefully at that point they will grab the
remote and start channel surfing vigorously
while you sneak away.

Or, "Somebody told me about this girl I heard
of who you might know but I'm not sure what
her name is but her boyfriend really beat her
up and tore off her clothes and she was running
down the street and he chased after her and
nobody would help her and then something
happened, but I can't think of her name. But
I think you used to know her from somewhere."

"We've pretty much just been patrolling
and flying helicopters all over the place,
and when we see something bad, we blow it up."
-- Maj. David Holahan, US Marines

Correspondent:: "Revi Shankar"
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:47:36 -0400


"Zapanaz" wrote in message
> >Happy? What the fuck!
> I hate when people do that. I never have the foggiest idea why people
> think I am one way or another.

One day my boss walked into my office and said "Jesus, you look like shit!"
In fact, I felt pretty good.

People project constantly, and it pisses me off no end.

Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 22 Oct 2004 14:04:41 -0700

"Revi Shankar" wrote in message news:...

> One day my boss walked into my office and said "Jesus, you look like shit!"
> In fact, I felt pretty good. People project constantly, and it pisses me off no end.

Don't project your piss onto me; my tank is well topped-off as it is.

Gary G'Broagfran has a couple of colorful, non-iguana-lineage
tropical lizards as pets and recounted to me the fact that as
reptiles, they don't have terribly efficient lungs, so when they need
a little extra oomph for a short burst of running to capture something
tasty, they will gulp air into their gular sacs for the task, an
amusing process not unlike charging up a battery. When they do this
and make the amusing associated noises, he says they are "getting all

I am glad Usenet has no audio component per se, as the vast bulk of

BTW, lizards don't crap in a regular mammalian manner; instead, they
emit a little ammonia patty every 3 or 4 weeks. Since alt.slack
usually smells like vinegar and apple pie, I don't know quite where we
fit on the devolutionary scale, but it might explain some of the
unique & ghastly deposits found on car hoods in church parking lots.
One of mine ate right through that Humvee in jig time. I waited in the
bushes and nearly busted a gut trying to hold in my Popely guffaws
when the owner came back and whirled around trying to bite his own
face upon seeing my handiwork. Christian forgiveness is WAY overrated.


HellPope Huey
Behind almost every successful man
is a woman who doesn't want to kill him, yet.

Praise will come to those
whose kindness leaves you without debt.
- Neil Finn, "Try Whistling This"

"Bring me a bag of Bigfoot's droppings or SHUT UP!"
- "Futurama"