SubGenius Artifacts


The BEST artifacts are, of course, the ones that aren't already in the hands of the Hierarchy. This cuts out things like the Bleeding Head and such. The BEST ones are the ones you run across randomly.

A few years ago, when Negativland's first album ("Negativland") was released on cd, with numbered packaging, I rushed out and got it. My copy is #1998. ooooooh.

So, yesterday, I'm at the Mall here in town, and there's a huge table in my way. Some guy is selling pages of old magazines - advertising pages! I looked through the "Men's Clothing" section, and found two GREAT "Bob" appearances:

Saturday Evening Post, September 29, 1951 (dunno what page): "Bob" is lounging back, with his pipe and dopey grin. It's an ad for "Balbriggan Pajamas warm up your night life"

The other one, I don't know what magazine, year, date, or page, but the sticker says "1950's": "Bob" is hanging out with a few friends (oddly, one of the ones WITHOUT a pipe looks more like "Bob" than the guy WITH a pipe! Maybve "Bob" used to be in the habit of loaning out the pipe?) in an ad for "WINGS 5-LETTER MAN SPORT SHIRTS Models of smart comfort - new as the latest jets - challenging all records for value."

In this one, "Bob" (assuming he's the one with the pipe) is wearing model A: "APACHE - exclusive Indian plais, colorful as a tribal dance, in Sanforized cotton flannel."
Anyone else got forgotten artifacts? The severed foot of Phil Mickelson?



Subject: Re: SubGenius Artifacts
From: (Doktor BoogieDown) (MONTYKINS@DELPHI.COM) wrote:
SSo, yesterday, I'm at the Mall here in town, and there's a huge table in my way. Some guy is selling pages of old magazines - advertising pages! I looked through the "Men's Clothing" section, and found two GREAT "Bob" appearances:

Deftly, and without delay, SCAN THOSE PUPPIES, and put them up onto alt.binaries.slack! Those would make a healthy addition to any SubGenius Image Archive. If you don't have a scanner, E-mail me, and I'll send you my mailing address and you can send me XEROX copies to scan with my unit.

Doktor BoogieDown

----- - Brian.D.Bisson@Miami.FL.USA.Earth.Sol.mway Doktor, Church of the SubGenius - #include <ordainshipscription.h> Excrimeditated Congregation of the Overinflated Head of L. Ron Hubbard HTTP:// for a dose of SubMediaBlasphemeWorship


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