Yacatisma at Disney World

By Rev. Ivan Stang (i.stang@metronet.com) Date: 10 May 1995 15:18:11 GMT

In article <ricky-0805951411030001@mac150.sfa.ufl.edu>, ricky@nerix.nerdc.ufl.edu (St. Ain-Soph) wrote:
MMy SON and I drove to Orlando Saturday for a day-trip.

>Visited several Disney Attractions.

>In TOMORROWLAND, there is a 360-degree-surround-screen movie about "transportation" -- it features a TIME-TRAVELING camera named "Nine-Eye" -- there's this robot at the front who introduces "Nine-Eye" -- he repeats the name frequently -- it SOUNDS LIKE "NHGH" almost.

>There's a diagram of the "Nine-Eye" camera on dispaly where you enter -- a THERMAL TRANSBOBBULATOR is one of the key components!

>"Nine-Eye" is POWERED by YACATISMA! It's all RIGHT THERE on the diagram.

I can explain this, but I can't. I know why and how it's there, but due to the nature of the company and the individual involved, I CANNOT TELL YOU. In the Main Archive here is a color xerox of that diagram.

As seen in Tomorrowland:


1. Background Cosmic Yacatisma Energy Field stimulates Synchronetic Oscillations in Yacatisma Collecto-Receptor Coil."

Note that the diagram refers to Yacatisma, or "Yists," the all-mechano aliens who feed on DEATH and PAIN, rather than the Yacatizma, the background Slackfield of the Universe, which is probably what the author meant. The author IS operating here on alt.slack, incidentally.

I also have a second diagram which was produced for the same display, but was not used. This one demonstrates "SYSTEM FLOW" and traces the "flow" through these components:

Navigational Perifocus
Trans-Mellenium Remote Control Receiver
Navigational Directo-Bearing Reference
JANOR Device
Motivational Interpolator
Spectroscopic Skizzoid
To Transport Drive/Thruster Cluster

Hmm... maybe that chart did make it to Disneyland, as it mentions the Thermo-Bobbulator.

I'm glad that I had an opportunity to share this classic infestation/infiltration with the SubGenii, although for obvious reasons we cannot give credit to the perp.

An aside: here's a handy way to distinguish between Yacatisma and Yacatizma for spelling purposes. The Yacatisma, the evil star-eating robot race, may be thought of as hissSSSSSing like SSSSnakes. The Yacatizma, the Slack-imbued "aether" of the Universe (actually the minuscule Slack-particles BETWEEN the Pain Fields -- the INTERSTICES), may be thought of as PEACEFUL and COSMICALLY CALM to the point of being snoozZZZZZZZZe-inducing. "Ahhh, Yacatizma... ZZZZZZZzzzz" "Oh no, Yacatisma! HiSSSSSSSSSS!"

Thank you.

Rev. Doktor Stang
Copyright 1995 by Rev. Ivan Stang / 1st Orthodox Stangian MegaFisTemple Lodge of People's Covenant Church of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected / The SubGenius Foundation,Inc. PO Box 140306 Dallas TX 75214 / Fax 214-320-1561 / PRABOB

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