WEJOT68: Undesirables Unite!

From: an123569@anon.penet.fi
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 05:21:51 UTC

Undesirables Power! Undesirables Unite!

Recently I read a message on Internet where someone was saying that the
Latinos should ally themselves with the Blacks against White Supremacy,
since both groups are victims of racism. I thought, this is ok, but
doesn't go far enough, and I'd draw the line in a different place. There
are those who fit in, and those who don't.

It's not a race or sex distinction; there are blacks and Indians and
women way up there. Neither is it a class distinction. There are
sold-out Archie Bunkers and Uncle Tom(ahawk)s, with nothing to show for
their slack but a steady paycheck, a little woman, and some worn out
furniture. Others have made it to the top.

It's between the Con and the resisters, and it's time we get together
and realise this. Those who want to take away all freedom, all
individuality, all choice, vs those of us who don't fit in. The
undesirables. The Con doesn't care if we're black or Indian or Latino or
hippie. They don't make a distinction if we're gay or trans or bi. They
don't make a distinction if we've had psychiatric diagnoses or criminal
records. Or if we just have weird vibes. They lump us all together as
undesirables, and once you're an undesirable, you stay that way for
life. If you're an undesirable, the only way to become desirable is to
sell your soul! Otherwise, as Jim Morrison said, when you're strange, no
one remembers your name.

You can't get a job. The security guards watch you in the stores. They
give you a runaround on the phone. People look right thru you on the
street. What is it about you? It's almost as if the Con has picked you
up on their radars even before they see you, and there's no way they're
gonna make it easy for you. What is it? Not sure, but like the
Firesign guys said a while back, I guess we're all bozos on this bus.
And where's the bus going? Who's driving it? Who knows?

Meanwhile, there's an awful lot of fighting among the undesirables as to
who's had it the worse and who is entitled to more crumbs from the
king's table. I think the Con wants it this way. This keeps our minds
off of building our own tables and baking our own pies! Some of us try
real hard to fit in. Figure if we just learn the rules, get some nice
clothes somehow, stick it out thru school, learn to talk right,
whatever, something will change and we'll Fit In. Some of us even make
it. The oreos, the yuppies, the apples, etc. But what good does it do to
gain the whole world and lose your slack?

When Fightin' Jesus said, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit
the earth, I think that was a mistranslation. I think the word he used
would be better rendered, "undesirables". Blessed are those who don't
fit in, for the earth belongs to the peoples of the earth of all colors.
It seems an unlikely prospect for the likes of us to inherit the earth,
but we gotta hang on to our principles, our slack. This is our claim,
our birthright. This, and each other, is all we have.

Sounds good? Well, vote for it! Just grab some lipstick or whatever and
scribble in WEJOT68 on the ballot next time you vote! Doesn't matter
what election it is, whether dogcatcher or president -- I'll take any
votes I can get! In fact, you don't have to wait for the polls at all!
Vote WEJOT68 on the subway walls and the bathroom stalls! Remember --



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