Temporo-Spatial Relationships in Retrocausal Events Systems and the Prophecies of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs


Dr. Ahmed Fishmonger

Examination of the datafield surrounding the philosophy of spaciaocentric relationships reveals a direct connection beween physics and theology. These relationships all have a kinship with the phenomenon of retrocausality. Retrocausality can be defined as the central law on which all events in the synchrotemporal reference matrix can be said to hinge. These are the forces which are controlled by, and also control, the behavior of mutrons and their passage through the aetheriosphere.

Trans-aetheriospheric mutrons fall under the control of metagnostic forces which are allowed, and allow, transliniotemporal dirigability as a result. This leaves any given event system free to slide around in time and space like a melting pat of butter in a frying pan, leaving a little memory of itself behind everywhere it goes.

In this paper I shall attempt to outline these effects in greater detail while, at the same time, avoiding the complex math that many readers would find meaningless.

Firstly, let's look at the way we view the various phenomena involved in the cause/effect relationship, as perceived through the medium of the human nervous system.

In the past, it has been the habit of educated men and women to think of the human brain as a more or less unified whole. Some may protest to the contrary, referring to the various organs that make up the brain by such names as cerebrum and cerebellum, or even lingual tortion-inducing titles like Medula Oblongata or Corpus Callosium. But most commonly it is just "The Brain."

We at the First Church of Mr. Science of the SubGenius hold that this view is simultaneously too complex and too simplistic. We see the brain as divided into only two major parts having any immediate bearing on the lives of the average brain user. These are the Smart Brain and the Stupid Brain. The Smart Brain is an enormously complex and efficient information processing computer. It can store huge amounts of data; if well-disciplined, it can solve virtually any problem. It is a truly remarkable device. It does fall down, however, on a few important points. The first of these is the Inhibition and Training factor or, if you wish, the "IT factor". The IT factor keeps us from acting on the things we really want to do, by inserting programming of what we ought to do. The second point is the "Ponder Time" factor or the PT factor. This drawback simply cannot be helped; the Smart Brain has so damned much wiring that it can take many precious seconds to process data into action just when those seconds are most needed. In the wrong circumstances, the combined effects of the IT and PT factors can be fatal to the brain user.

The Stupid Brain circumvents these problems. Comfortably nestled in the "slums" of our skulls both below and surrounded by the Smart Brain, it is only the size of a small plum. This may not sound like much, but it was all the mighty brontosaurus needed to rule the world for countless millions of years. Think about it. The Stupid Brain has no inhibitions, and it cannot be trained. It is rather like a large aglomeration of "Read Only" memory chips. It already knows what to do once it 'kicks in'. Secondly, due to its small size, it operates on a much shorter PT. The Stupid Brain is obviously better suited to the demanding situations that the average SubGenius must inevitably encounter. Unfortunatley, most people cannot, or, even more strangely, do not want to utilize the Stupid Brain to its full potential. Yet it is the Stupid Brain that controls both the holy functions of the Squirt and of Excremeditation. This should illustrate what a potent force we have living in the "low rent districts" of our own heads!1

Now, keeping in mind this important distinction, we shall venture into the realm of metaphor. The following comparison, although not particularly creditable, will serve so long as it isn't taken too literally. This is the idea that the entire nervous system (Smart and Stupid brains inclusive) is a computer, a great data processing network. Although, as we have noted, this is an oversimplified outlook, the one important similarity is that both the human nervous system and the computer contain internal clock mechanisms of some kind. This, in both cases, is simply a convenience to provide an easy line along which data can be received and action performed. Thus, we henceforth shall refer to time (as perceived by the nervous system) as "synchrotemporal," referring to the one limited portion of multi-dimensional time which is in sync with our perception.

The area of space/time in which our perceptions take place, our "reality," should be referred to as the "synchrotemporal event matrix" in order to distinguish it from other event matrices that will be dealt with in this paper.

Almost all "things" perceived by our nervous systems can be more properly defined as "event systems." We are, in our perceived space/time, living in four dimensions, not three. Depth, duration, width, height. No "object" is only three-dimensional. Nothing can have no thickness, or no duration over time, or no height or width. So, for the purposes of this paper, we will treat time as a spatial quality.2

Our universe, which we shall call the aetheriosphere, encompasses all four dimensional spaces contained by the various Everet/Wheeler/Graham event matrices. We obviously only perceive a small "slice" of the aetheriosphere at any given point in space/time.

The Everet/Wheeler/Graham model of the universe proves that every possible event outcome is realized by way of a new synchrotemporality, formed at any point where there are more than one possible outcomes. The Schrodinger's Cat paradox is not a paradox at all. When we open the box, we find a cat that is perhaps alive, but in the universe next door, he is dead. We jump from one track to another constantly. Sometimes, we remember something being one way in the past, but it is another way now. In a universe this complex, even laws of nature can fuck up on occasion.

Our reality generally remains stable throughout our lives, because the synchrotemporality that we perceive is the one we have voluntarily been following. Mind over matter, even in those persons untrained in such things, functions on an unconscious level to keep us on a contradiction-free track -- thus preserving for us a functional world view. Many SubGenii have dispensed with this debugging mechanism, and as a result know several histories and will experience many futures.

Sometimes, however, especially in cases where a widely experienced major event occurs, a few objects or living entities may fail to split off with their respective new time tracks. In such cases, some of the new universes may not include that particular chunk of matter.

As an example, we can cite the huge number of artifacts and people that vanished without a trace in the Second World War. Or, if that is too far-fetched, there is always the mysterous case of "the man who walked round the horses" recorded by Charles Fort, among many others.3

The fact is that at all major turning points in history, various objects, people and animals have disappeared in large numbers.

This digression brings us to the phenomenon of retrocasuality. We can envison the four-dimensional space/time that we inhabit as a constantly churning fluid. Any given event can be seen as a point of vibration sending out ripples and setting up wave fronts, which in effect construct the "hologram" that is the aetheriosphere. This is the root of "cause and effect." These ripples go backwards as well as forwards in the dimension of time, while working their various changes in space, as well (fig. 1).


This illustration is oversimplified and represents only a small space/time slice. Every event system collides with other event systems, thus engendering yet more event systems as a result.

Where E represents an event system,

E + E = E2

(That is, the exponential replication of event systems ad infinitum.)

Every event engenders a new universe which, in its turn, engenders as many events as that from which it sprang.

In humans, retro-events provide that "funny" feeling that "something is going to happen." In the case of a few well-trained or genetically blessed personages, this can take the form of genuine precognition. Ghosts, flying saucers, B.V.M.s, even elves and fairies may yet yield to explanation by retrocausal physics. An event produced in a human mind may be magnified in a splinter universe as a totally inexplicable phenomenon.

Recently, with the aid of metaprogramming chemicals, I myself made an attempt to experience retrocausal effects first-hand. The results of this experiment are still being analyzed at this time, but in part, at least, I seem to have achieved a level at which time is as static a component of the universe as any spatial dimension.

Whether I will be able to make intelligent use of this new data remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: my probing shall not cease until I uncover the true source of time, space, and the Yacatizmic field which binds all things, material and immaterial, together.

1From The Stupid Brain, an unpublished manuscript by Seth Deitch; November 1984. This paper was found on his desk shortly after his disappearance early in that year.

2See Mysticism and the New Physics , by Michael Talbot; Bantam, 1981.

3See The Complete Books of Charles Fort ; Dover, 1974.