Hour of Slack #551 -- POEBUCKERS

(Rerun of # 395)

Long INTROS from H-159 (Bob Hall, Tape Beatles)
Sivet and Stang discuss POEBUCKERS
Joe Riley Media Barrage sound collage
Janor Hypercleats: "BOBBY FREE Tow-Away," "Cherry Don't Cry," Tales of BOBBY FREE
KPFA -- Callers
Dave Mitchell's POEBUCKER HATE talk radio call -- !!!
Media Barrage from H-159
Sivet and Stang on Poebuckers (plus credits)
Hateful Poebucker Calls on Bob Lassiter talk show

The Little Mermaid, Disney Girl SEX caller
Songs by John Bartles: "I'm Hopelessly Heterosexual Over You" and "I'm Sorrier Than You"
More Little Mermaid sex talk
Sivet and Stang on Poebuckers
H-159 mb: Jim Jones, Dr. Howll on "Bob"
DEVO accoustic version of "Jocko Homo"
Pink Submission clip
PO Box, credits
Brain Rot Radio Theater: "Creamy Stumps"
"Manly Men" by Greg Keeler
Cinco con Dos, Tortilla Diablo, "Carro Demonio"

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Original file name: HoS 549

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