Hour of Slack 784 -- Moving; Hour of Slack 106 replays, Or Kill Me Radio from XXX-Day

1 "Klaatu Barata Nikto" Title -- Artemia Salina 00:10
2 "Cryptology" clip -- Stang 64 Flow Spark 00:20
3 "YaGot to Freak Out" 00:09
4 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 "You Must Live in "Bob!"" 00:58
5 "God's Backhand" -- Richard Hackley (via nu-monet) 02:24
6 Michael Peppe rant #1 05:23
7 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 "Moving, Sperm bank" 03:15
8 Radio Patapoe, Amsterdam, sound fx 00:35
9 Hour of Slack 106 replay: Dr. Hal & Glassmadness! 07:32
10 Boredoms - "The Sound Around Us" 01:27
11 Hour of Slack 106 replay: G. Gordon Gordon, "We're Ready for the Finals, Mr. Dobbs" rant 01:22
12 Hour of Slack 106 replay: Mark Mothersbaugh -- "It Doesn't Matter To Me" live w/ Nancye Fergusen, Tachibana! 04:13
13 crisco 00:11
14 "Cryptology" -- Stang 64 00:48
15 "Delicious Bobotronic" -- ? 00:40
16 "Random Speak" -- (played on orKillMe, XXX-Day radio) 01:48
17 Radio Patapoe, Amsterdam, SFX "poem" 01:25
18 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 "Raiding the Dobbs Mansion"! 03:01
19 "Brain Damage/Dark Side of the Moon" -- The Squirrels via whyaskwhyaskwhy 03:45
20 HoS #106 replay: Stang retranslates "THE DIARY OF NAT TURNER" Sub-style 03:34
21 "It's a Mans Mans World" -- The Residents, live, Chicago 2001 via Chris Lee 04:04
22 "Date with My PALM" -- Doug Ballentine 05:42
23 Philo & Wellman -- "Well, The Thing Of It IS..." 00:45
24 Delicious Bobotronic 2 01:01
25 Hour of Slack 106 replay: Puzzling Evidence Doug! 02:11
26 Winston's Flintstones ad -- via Artemia Salina 00:06
27 "Bobotronic 2 end 00:37
28 "Lets Make a Stang" end 00:34
29 Gimi Sum Family -- "Sweet Stang" 00:54

1 000KlaatuBarataNikto-AS.aif 00:10
2 000mcrypto 00:20
3 000YaGot to Freak Out 00:09
4 01ESO50401h YouMustLiveinBob! 00:58
5 1God's Backhand.aif 02:24
6 2Michael Peppe #1.aif 05:23
7 5ESO50401bMovingSpermbank 03:15
8 aPatapoe17 SFX 00:35
9 bH106bHalJim! 07:32
10 Boredoms - Sound Aroundus.m.aif 01:27
11 cH106d-GGGFinals 01:22
12 cH106eMM-ItDoesntMatter! 04:13
13 crisco.wav.aif (Mono) 00:11
14 Cryptology.aif 00:48
15 Delicious Bobotronic.aif 00:40
16 dRandom Speak 01:48
17 ePatapoe172-SFX "poem" 01:25
18 ESO50401gRaidingBobMansion! 03:01
19 fBrain Damage-The Squirrels.aif 03:45
20 H106fNAT TURNER rant1 03:34
21 mIts aMansMansWorld -Resident 04:04
22 nH106hDATEwmyPALM-DBallentine 05:42
23 Philo-WellTheThingOfIt 00:45
24 qDelicious Bobotronic 2 01:01
25 uH106iPuzEvDoug! 02:11
26 winflin-AS.aiff (Mono) 00:06
27 xBobotronic2 end 00:37
28 yLets Make a Stangend 00:34
29 zGimi Sum Family- SweetStang 00:54

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