HoS 748 PG Final

1 Cartoon fx 00:17
2 "What Makes "Bob" Holler?" songscored by W'G'Wilco 00:30
3 Bleepo Title 00:08
4 Bob 00:00
5 "Frop Without Slack" by BLEEPO ABERNATHY 01:51
6 ESO Radio 8-10-00 "You can get Drunk at Church!" 02:54
7 Zappa: ""Bob" is not Michael Jackson" 00:04
8 Yodeling Cowboy song scored by W'G'Wilco 00:46
9 Cartoon FX 2 00:18
10 "Midnight Growing Pale" ESO from new studio CD "Sex in Another Dimension" 04:26
11 ESO Radio -8-2-00 God-Devil -- Chas, Dave, Stang expound mightily with extreme cosmicness 04:48
12 Cartoon FX 3 00:26
13 Little Fyodor and Babushka -- "Anyway" live at XXX Day 02:56
14 Popes Lilith at XXX-Day, "Pissed Off" rant 01:22
15 "Nov22" computer song by Popess Lilith 01:09
16 Hellpope Huey at XXX-Day, "BOOM!" 06:49
17 "Shit on Yr Grave" Rudy Schwartz Project 02:56
18 Stang "suicide rant" with ESO, XXX-Day Devival 04:49
19 "THE MAN WHO SOLD MY SOUL" St. Kenneth Huey and Bunnyboy 03:56
20 credits 01:18
21 ESO Radio 8-10- "Rawhide Bobbies -- Git Along" -end 04:35
22 Stang & ESO at Pufferdome 2000 -- part 5 "Life and News" 04:12
23 Velveteen Sly's BobLoop 00:13
24 "Sausage" JHVH Hates Phred at XXX-Day 02:09
25 "squid.aif" (by ____? -- posted to alt.binaries.slack) 00:56
26 "Jaguar Night" song, ESO live at XXX-Day 04:46

Pufferdome 99 best-of
08-We Are Not Men.aiff
16-Wilderness of "Bob".aiff
19-Rats in the Walls.aiff

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