SO it is with great fear and loathing that we enter a DENNY's (only thing open) and see the newspaper headline:


Young Chris, meanwhile, is so jacked up on show and antisleep, plus the fact that he really IS Amish, that he goes into this insane, very loud and drug-oriented Robin-Williams-on-Crack type of comedy monolog at the top of his lungs in Denny's, putting the rest of us on alert and causing us to hustle Chris out of there and keep him away from The Others until he calms down. At one point he was ranting about "doing coke with a friend by putting your nose up against his left nostril and then putting his right nostril up against the straw and sucking the coke THROUGH the straw and your friend's head before it goes into your nose, that way, you're not just doing coke ALONE, you're doing it WITH a FRIEND."

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