From: Steve Slack <>

I kneed to know whether or not you are still selling Pamphlets 1 and 2 before I post the testimony below to Christian newsgroups.

I feel there are many young slaves of the surrogate Christ who are suffering a
crisis of conscience and are secretly
willing to be rescued.



A message on a church signboard I saw today made me ponder and wonder:


To which I thought, "What do you mean?
Are you saying that mine is and yours isn't?"

The question should be, "Ask not whether your religion is a front, but rather what your religion is a front FOR."

If your religion is a FRONT for stodgy, dull, mentally unhealthy, possibly psychotic, willfully ignorant, malevolent and hateful DUPES who praise a paper GOD;

If your religion is a FRONT for antagonistic and naieve crypto-fascists who advocate genocide in the name of love, misconstrue sensory deprivation as epiphany, and promote willful and irreperable destruction of His property (you know, "Trash all you want - He'll make more") in the name of short-term profit;

If your religion is a FRONT for pollyannas who absolve themselves of any responsibility for taking control of their lives while simultaneously attempting to restrict other's access to information pursuant to making informed and educated decisions;

Mabye it's time to SWITCH!!

As a deprogrammed former Charismatic Christian, complete with tounges-speaking and falling on the floor thereof, I can attest to the pervasiveness of religious mania and its control over my life, sometimes months or even years after the original decision to separate.

I can attest to the methods by which agents of Christ manipulated and indocrinated me at the most insecure and needy time of my youth. I can attest to the willful naievete and self-restricting guilt which has served as roadblocks to my personal fullfillment. And I can confess to the squandered youth and wasted time as a slave to the minions of Christ, trying to appease and be concilitory to the robots of the one truly EVIL religion.

Don't be a fool playing catch-up like I did for so many years. If you want the scales to be ripped from your eyes, the first step is as easy as it is cheap:

ONE dollar to P.O. Box 140306, Dallas TX 75214.

After which you will proudly stand and holler:

"No! YOUR religion is a FRONT. Mine is a FULL FRONTAL."

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