
I just couldn't resist sharing this backstage snapshot. This is a candid photo of the members of the band Drs. 4 "Bob" celebrating their triumphant reunion at the March devival in Seattle, right after getting offstage. Sterno, Martin "Big Smoke" Pitts and Gene Splice/GordonX "git down" with Linda Pitts, "Wanda," P-Lil and Yvonne Stange.


To set the story straight, I have been married for 24 years, and I never cheated on even ONE of those two dozen wives. Who makes the rules? Someone else. But when in Friday, do as the Romans do. So, in order to avoid any accusations of "adultery" that might later prevent our running for President, Church Secretary Jones and I never attempted intercourse without using a 4-foot-thick condom composed of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, the Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer, and a homeless OverMan that we picked up on the street. ALMOST beats a squirrel-filled pumpkin.



Friday Counts Money After a Bout of Stump-Humping
Buxotic and bodacious IrRev. Friday Jones just can't stop herself when it comes to her two favorite temptations! She has to have more... and MORE... and MORE!! I'll bet there are one or two of you big bad SubGenius boys who can give her what she needs. And I'll bet you know just what "hole" to slip that "$30" into -- "BOB'S" hole! P.O. Hole # 140306, Dallas TX 75214!!



Ooooh-la-LA! This is what preachin' is ALL ABOUT! Counting the money after a devival, while rolling around on a waterbed with the Nunsnake Prime, the Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer, and a giant tarantula!

Snapped by one of Friday's bodyguards in the hotel suite right after the Boston devival. Notice the bullwhip coiled around the Head. 'Nuff said...


Boston Devival Frame Grabs

Praise MODEMAC for operating and GUARDING my Video 8 camera, perched on a tripod pointing at the stage of The Middle East club in Boston. That footage is our main documentation of this ASTOUNDING final devival. Producer Friday Jones even provided the foretold MIGHTY BUCKET OF PILS, seen here in its Dispensation as I toss 'em out to the needy crowd. Also visible is Dr. Ed Strange's massive Pulpit of carved wood, and King of Slack Bill T. Miller at his Living Keyboard.

In the background, you can see the wall hangings that Friday made for this show, using the BobCo Fonts printed on iron-on material and transfered to strips of cloth.

Meyer's New Rant and New Book!
Pope David N. Meyer BOWLED 'EM OVER IN BOSTON with his first knock-down drag-out devival rant in years. His incredible rants can be heard on Hours of Slack 629 and 630.

Incidentally, Pope Meyer could have been hawking a new book of his own rather than THE BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS which he weilds in this video frame grab. Meyer's new book, A GIRL AND A GUN, has just been published and is in the film section of better bookstores everywhere. It's a DELIGHTFULLY MEYERIAN critique/analysis of the FILM NOIR genre, profusely illustrated with stills and posters, and adeptly disected by the piercing wit of the Pope. This book will be INVALUABLE on the Escape Vessells of the Sex Goddesses, when you'll be able to DO things like sit down and view EVERY FILM NOIR MOVIE EVER MADE while reading in detail about each one.

That's A GIRL AND A GUN by David N. Meyer II.


The loathsome mug of Dr. K'taden Legume, preaching at the Last Devival in Boston, synchronistically matches the Legume Hieroglyph from the BobCo Legume Fonts by Atom Funway, iron-onned to the Church Devival Banner seen in the background. UNCANNY!


Using Atom Funway's BobCo fonts, sheets of iron-on material, and her Macintosh and printer, IrRev. Friday Jones was able to make half a dozen Miracle Devival Banners from common household mummy wrappings. Each banner had a "theme"... for instance, the Vandewalker Profile Dobbshead in this example tops Dollar Signs, a Texas and other appropriate symbols, while the Legume-topped banner has more retarded and senseless symbols below it, as befits a Holocaustal "Volsung" redneck.


Yours truly, preaching peace and love in Boston. I forgot my white preaching suit, and instead wore this Golfer's Kimono (it had little golf pictos on it) given me by Friday. I kind of like the extra cultish look that the kimono, plus my new devil beard, give me. Whatever draws the most flies to the tarbaby.

Thanks to Modemac for manning the video camera throughout the whole devival!

There are shitloads more cheesecake pics of Friday in the SubSITE Boston Devival report.

Miss July
Sassy n' sadistic IrRedhead Friday Jones cavorts shamelessly in a pile of money, body parts and mutant insects -- swag that SHE EARNED AT HOME IN HER SPARE TIME, SELLING HERSELF FOR "BOB"!!! And you can too -- if you're a mad super-genius with big tits, an unchained imagination, office skills, and a can-do, go-team attitude like Miss Jones!


It's only a matter of time before every SubGenius idea that isn't nailed down, is STOLEN by the Conspiracy. This ad is a huge display at the Boston airport. It greeted Dr. Legume when he stepped off the plane.

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