Rules to obey (Was - Re: Ode to Jeffrey Dahmer)

By Nicole C. Michaud <>
Date: 12 Dec 1994

Matthew Carey ( wrote:

: In a previous article, (Nicole C. Michaud) says:

: >Thanks for spelling my name wrong, Nenslo! Now everybody will think that
: >I'm a dude.
: >----Rev. N-I-C-H-O-L-A-S
: >And, by the way, I am always right. Or kill me.

: I find this confusing.

Me: Yes, you would. Apparently, you REALLY wish I was male. hmmmm....


Subject: Re: Rules to obey (Was - Re: Ode to Jeffrey Dahmer)
From: (NENSLO)
Date: 13 Dec 1994

Nicole C. Michaud ( wrote:

: : >Thanks for spelling my name wrong, Nenslo! Now everybody will think that
: : >I'm a dude.

When I knew NICK MITCHELL he WAS male. I shudder to think of
those huge bony hands with fingernail polish on. Or were we not supposed
to notice those big wide shoulders, square jaw and buttocklessness, Nick?
Believe me, I'm not giving away any secrets here. Nickie might as well
wear a giant neon sign that says "FENCE-JUMPER."

Love, Nensypie
Send One Dollar to Box 86582 Portland OR 97286 USA

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