The Bailiff and the Butcher

by Rev. Sternodox

There was a terrible car wreck on the freeway that had over a hundred
cars in it that killed everybody except for four people who were all
horribly mangled and bleeding and the skin coming off and third
degree burned and gravel stuck all in their skin and couldn't hardly
breath. So this one guy who weighed in excess of 450 pounds and was
in a circus sideshow was one of the people who weren't dead yet. So
the fat guy crawls over to this other guy who isn't really a homo but
sort of looks like one and everybody in school always beat him up.
But the fat guy was really a homo and he tried to buttfuck the other
guy but he died because of his serious injuries because of the car
wreck. But the guy who looked real faggy decided to go ahead and
become a homo since he already looked like one anyway and let
somebody buttfuck him except he was bleeding to death and only had
minutes to live. So this girl who was about three cars over was
laying underneath this whole family who was burned to a crisp and
thrown from their car and the girl crawled out from underneath the
bodies and over to the guy who just became a homo because she saw
him. So he asked if the girl would pretend to be a guy and stick a
piece of broken off steering wheel up his asshole to pretend like it
was a dick so he could feel like a real homo before he finally bled
to death. But the girl had a heart attack just when she was reaching
the steering wheel broke off part to the recently converted homo's
asshole and he died too right after that because of how much blood he
lost and a cut artery. Then the only other person left alive, who was
on his way home from work when the accident happened, was this guy
who had just murdered an entire orphanage full of retarded Mexican
children except one that he kept to buttfuck but died in the wreck.
So the guy, whose name was Harold, tried to crawl away from his
burning car because of explosions. He saw the gas leaking from the
ruptured gas tank and fruitlessly attempted to wrench his smashed and
bleeding leg from beneath the steel and chrome hulk. But it was hard
to do since his dick was still encased in the butt of the dead
retarded Mexican orphan. But the orphan was really Odin, who liked to
time travel and assume the guise of earthlings to study them and
wasn't really hurt in the wreck because he was a God. So he pulled
Harold's dick out of his butt and stood up and strangled Harold and
walked over to the dead girl who was still holding the broken off
part of the steering wheel and brought her back to life but only as a
homo and brought the other guy who just became a homo back to life
and whisked them both away to a tropical paradise but Satan
intercepted them and cut their dicks off so no buttfucking. Then the
guy who used to be a girl committed suicide and so did the guy who
was a new homo. Then Odin forced Wagner to write a opera about it but
Wagner knew Hitler was going to be in power so he left the fag parts
out and got famous anyway.

The End

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