The Happy Ending

by Rev. Sternodox
One day Nigger Lou and his good friend Schlomo the Homo were walking
home after an envigorating afternoon at the Homo-Fuckery. "Man, I
haff never corn-holed so many fugging niggers in my entire life,"
exclaimed Schlomo. "Hey, watch it wid dem racialist comments,
muthafuck," replied Nigger Lou. "Oh, sorry," apologized Schlomo, "I
didn't realize vhat I vhas sayink. By the vhay, you ischt sure
schtinkingk like der fugging sewer today, Nigger Lou. Phewww!"
Schlomo put his fingers to his enormous nose to illustrate his
displeasure at the odorous proximity of Nigger Lou. Lou merely
shuffled along at a faster clip, picking his nose with the forefinger
of his right hand and picking his butt with the thumb and fingers of
his left. "Well, yo fuckin' Jew nose sho am BIG 'nuff to smell damn
neah anythin', Schlomo. You is one fucked up dude, if I does say so
mah sef, that fo DAMN sho." Nigger Lou grunted as he switched hands,
replacing the finger that had previously been in his nose with the
one that was in his butt and, therefore completely shit-begrimed.
"Lou, there you goingk again, puttingk your shit into your nose. Vhat
a schtupid fugging nigger you are, you know vhat I ham sayingk?" At
that point, who should happen upon the scene but Billy
White-Supremacist, toting a massive 50-calibre machine gun and
followed by the local hierarchy of the Adolf Hitler Appreciation
Society Women's Grenade Tossing and Flag Sewing Guild. "Waaal, looky
here what WE got, ladies. A fucking nigger walkin' arm in arm with a
fucking kike. Looks like they're both fags, too. Whatcha reckon we
orta do here?" The ladies exclaimed in unison, "Kill their day-um
asses, Billy!" Billy White-Supremacist didn't need to be told twice. He
immediately hefted the 65-pound gun to his shoulder and placed his
finger on the trigger. "Whoah," cried Nigger Lou, "Please don't shoot
us Mistah White-Supremacist. We ain't a-doin' nuthin' but walkin'
home after CHURCH." "Yes, vhee vhas yust vhalkin' home after church,"
added Schlomo the Homo. "Wall, I reckon that ain't good enuff to keep
me from blowin' yore asses from heah to theyah wif this heah
50-calibre machine gun." With those words, Billy White-Supremacist
pressed the trigger and discharged a volley of lethal hollow-point
slugs which tore into the bodies of Nigger Lou and Schlomo the Homo.
"Wall, there's a 'nother couple-a dead assholes," exclaimed Billy
White-Supremacist, "Les' go get us a ham sandwich, whatcha say,
girls?" "We're with YOU, Billy," they all said.

The End

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