Time Enough for Spum

by Rev. Sternodox

This cowboy was riding his horse along the trail back in the olden
days when the Indians didn't still live on reservations and after the
time when Columbus discovered America but way before interstates and
compact discs and stuff and then a demon about thirty feet tall
appeared on the trail in front of him. His horse was scared and
bucked him off and he hit his head on a rock and it knocked him out.
Then when he was still knocked out the demon called his other demon
buddies and they appeared too and butt-fucked the cowboy. Then they
went back to where they all lived which was on another planet which
nobody had discovered because no telescopes. So then the cowboy wakes
up and notices that his butt is like totally sore and bleeding and
stuff and his horse is also gone so he has to walk to the town. But
the town is right on the edge of a dimensional warp so it's like way
in the future from where the cowboy was from and when he gets there
it's like neon everywhere and a circus is in town that has this
trapeze artist that the cowboy falls in love with when he sees her.
Only it's not really a her because the trapeze artist is a
transvestite who looks like a girl but really has a dick and stuff
and just lies to people like sailors so they'll butt-fuck him but
they are usually too drunk to tell so the trapeze artist hadn't got
in trouble before about it until the cowboy came along. But when the
cowboy was in bed with the trapeze artist and found out he had a dick
and wasn't a girl, he got very mad and killed the trapeze artist. But
when the rest of the circus found out about it they trapped the
cowboy and stuck him in the circus cannon that usually had a
daredevil shot out of it but since the daredevil quit they didn't
have anybody to shoot out of it. But they put in too much gunpowder
and it blew the cowboy to bits, killing him instantly. But his soul
was still alive and suddenly inhabited the body of one of the circus
workers by magic. Just then an alien invasion came from two different
planets at the same time and they had a giant war in the air above
where the circus was. One of the alien space ships got shot down and
fell right on where the circus was, killing everybody including the
person whose body the cowboy had inhabited. And then the trapeze
artist's distant relative from the future who was a Hell's Angel came
through the time warp too with all his friends on their Harleys. When
the main aliens who were winning the war in the sky saw them they
decided to go back to their planet. They left and so did the other
aliens. Then the volcano erupted and covered the Hell's Angels with
lava and killed them. Then the aliens came back and signed a treaty
with each other that each one would have half the earth to conquer
but the one aliens thought they got not enough land with their half
so they declared war on the other aliens and invented a giant bomb
that blew up the entire solar system and caused the sun to go nova
which started a chain reaction that blew up the entire galaxy and all
the galaxies within a zillion light years away. Then Wotan saw that
the universe was getting in danger of blowing up so he forced
everything back into the past to just at the point in time where the
cowboy was finding out the trapeze artist had a dick and no pussy.
Then Wotan made a machine appear and made the cowboy stick the
trapeze artist inside it and it made the perverted trapeze artist go
to the X-dimension where he never came back. Then the cowboy got
drunk and never realized that he had saved the universe.

The End

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