DoubtfulFaithfully rendered from the Noise by Letis Donne, PXD
1992, BristerSotherhood of 0REZ,Trigrammarian

"Thou art EVE, 14. And their off-
BOOK OF A & O the Seed of spring began to
All Life. And deceive and
1. After the End, thou art IVY, murder each
and in the Be- the Vine of other.
ginning, Ya All Life. Do 15. And WE said:
Huwwa extended what thou "KREND!"
the Forms and wilt." 16. Over the aeons,
the Voids. 8. And A.`.A.`. the offspring
2. Before WE did and .`.V.`. produced the
this, all was did what they Beast, a Sony
null and void. will. And from of Many.
3. Then WE said: their deed 17. And the Dia-
"Illumine what spilt all the mondBack made
thou wilt." creatures of sure nobody
And the Forms the World. escaped service
and the Voids 9. And WE said: to the Beast.
were illumined. "Bacchan A!" 18. And the Beast
4. Then WE said: 10. But from their enslaved and
"A.`.A.`., deed also spilt tortured the
come here." the Diamond- offspring.
And A.`.A.`. Back. 19. And the Beast
appeared. 11. And the Dia- consumed all
5. And WE said: mondBack said the diverse
"Thou art ADAM, to A.`.A.`.: life of the
the A & O Man. "Do you know World.
And thou art what .`.V.`. is 20. And the Beast
ATMAN, the All- doing?" reigned over
Seeing Eye I 12. And IT said to ITs Artificial
Am. Do what .`.V.`.: Do you Hell.
thou wilt." know what 21. And WE said:
6. Then WE said: A.`.A.`. is "Armageddon
".`.V.`., come doing?" outta here!"
here." And 13. And .`.V.`. and 22. And WE made
.`.V.`. ap- A.`.A.`. became null the Forms
peared. suspicious of and the Voids.
7. And WE said: each other. 23. The End.

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