Hour of Slack 580 5-22-97 Broke my tooth the night before. Had the tooth fixed at the dentist's an hour before doing this show. Did show with a mouth full of novacaine. You can hardly tell! TITLE Brief KPFA bits, Hal discusses the movie JACK THE GIANT KILLER, its pathetic connections to the great Ray Harryhausen. Background music: THE FLYIN' RYAN BROTHERS Stang discusses JACK THE GIANT KILLER, Ray Harryhausen, stop action, computer graphics, the geekiness of SubGenii. Discusses novacained mouth, broken tooth, broken car, sick wife, sick dog, why it's been reruns lately... Atlanta and Rutgers devivals were recorded, but we don't have the tapes. Starts bitching and griping but then forgives everybody. Then gripes about broken headphones, editting deck. Wonders what Gene Scott would do. Does what Gene Scott would do -- gets pissed off and goes back to RERUN: HoS 348 "X-DAY" (continued) Revelation X prophecy re: X-Day -- the Multiple Partners -- the $20 -- the Smugness of those who Won't Buy Memberships Song "I WANNA DIE FOR "BOB" by Doug-0 More Stangranting from Rev-X notes re: Torturing the Normals FORMER SubGenius Pastor Buck Naked: "The Xists Have Landed" Credits. PAPA JOE MAMA: "HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE END" (CLASSIC X-Day rant) Stang explains how he's having trouble keeping up with 100 new tapes a month, when each tape is 90 minutes long, and that may explain why your band hasn't been played yet. Vows to play new stuff on side two. SIDE 2 REV. NOLAN VOYDDE: "PARANOID YET?" JHVH HATES PHRED: "Is There Any Slack Out There?" "Connie" "BOB'S" SLACKTIME FUNHOUSE excerpts from Rev. Susie the Floozie's APOCALYPSE theme show: Chad Mitchell Trio "Fallout Shelter song" "JUJIYAMA MAMA" by Wanda Jackson William S. Burroughs "Apocalypse" rant interspersed. Stang explains that by trying to babysit too many SubGenii at once for 20 years, he is now trying to learn to delegate. And when what he delegates doesn't get done, well then THAT'S TOO DANGED BAD NOW AIN'T IT!! Jack Van Impe (TV preacher) on The End Times LITMUS GREEN: "Nuke 'Em Slowly" Rev. SUSIE THE FLOOZIE: amazing Apocalypse/X-Day/Radiation rant and KILLER end to show NINA HAGEN: "Atomic Flash Deluxe"