Hour of Slack 617 -- SUPERB EARLY 90s OLDIES! (Remix of HoS #305 and 358) Frank Marino rockin' riffs to set mood (from Mahogany Rush Live) TITLE (from #308): HoS "Cart" Intro "Blow Out Yr Windshield" from KHSU show Kennedy Assass. intro barrage by KHSU (James Casey Eddings show) Short Stang Rap: "Give Me Slack or Give Me Tanks" Peter Stoenshal: "Those Who Came Before" cosmic chant Rev. BLEEPO ABERNATHY: "ON AND OFF THE ROAD TO BOB" (from #358) Stang on Big Red Strapping Women Coughing Frop, great GGG quote from Chicago SubCon/Sexhurt chant THE SWINGING LOVE CORPSES "Dancin' with a Hard On" intro Joe Riley Media Barrage -- Devil "Bob" Riley quote Rant on SubCon 92 & Frop (From 308:) Bleepo preaches on his daughter's Dobbs-directed poop training -- Starwood '91 Credits KZSU 4/28/91 -- Papa Joe Mama, Dr. Howll, Puzzling Evidence :Side B "LOOK AT YOUR OWN BRAIN," "SUBLIMINALS" "Suntan Timmy" -- CLASSIC Aunt Bertha rips Crazy Dan calls us (Stang explains phone calls) KHSU 8/17/91 "Bob" As Evil Santa Claus," good caller harangue, "Bob" Bullet Suicide, confused caller, Good Jesus Saucer. (From 358) Stang on SubCon Sin SIDE TWO: (From 358) Stang on SubCon 92 Sin Swinging Love Corpses: "THIS IS OUR BEST SONG," "WE ARE GOING TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE" GGG on The Food Chain of the Universe, SubCon Con panel SLC "Hideous House" Riley Church MB, GGG on theHell-Stuckeys, souls, Xists.... Earth Farm One, JFK, Riley MB "Fog and the Dew (Shit On Your Grave)" Swingin' Love Corpses (From 308:) KHSU -- "Take a Shot at the Planet Earth" (!!) KPFA: Dr. Howll reads from THE BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS Rev. David testimonial, Starwood 91 KPFA RantzEdited, GGG/Doug/Gary "BEFORELIFE" KZSU: 4/28/90: Amazing Howll on Szukalski, Gods, the Secret Behind Everything Credits, PO Box Stang reads from RAWilson's NATURE'S GOD keen quotes End music -- Terminator/Akira/Hellraiser/Marino