HoS 666 -1999 -- SubGenius/ESO New Year and Firesign Theater's new album MEDIA BARRAGE #8 ("666 & R&R") Mark o' the Beast intro "ANTICHRIST" clips Background music: Ennio Morricone "Il AntiChristo" w/ IRREV. FRIDAY JONES "Shearing the Sheep" then: Stang rant #666 Been keeping COUNT, Children? This is a very propitious Hour of Slack show. For this is Hour of Slack #666... ahhhhh, yes, the Harvest. I never thought we'd make it this far. Thought sure we'd be Ruptured last July. But now, as we enter 1999, which is, after all, 1666 upside down... and DID YOU KNOW that 666 TIMES THREE equals... yes, 1998! The AntiChrist was born LAST YEAR! INSIDE MY MACINTOSH! But I don't wanna get lost in the spirit, I wanna tell you something that blesses my heart. ... Can't ya feel it, Children? Can't ya FEEL that these are the LAST DAYS, the very END TIMES THEMSELVES? For are there not, EVERY DAY in our newspapers and Internet, SIGNS AND PORTENTS, signs in the heavens... OMENS and DIVINE HINTS FROM THE BEFORELIFE, it's just like the Roman Empire, just before the Roman Empire fell...and the PROPHECY... the PROPHECY!! Let he who hath subwisdom know, it is the number of a MAN, with a PIPE, and a GRIN, and that number is... 999! YESS! For, as we know, within SubGenius numerology, 999 is "Bob's" number, for "Bob" is the Anti-Antichrist. Not the Christ, he ain't THAT well connected, but certainly the SWORN BORN ENEMY of that old fiend, old split-tongue, the AntiChrist of the Conspiracy, the EMBODIMENT OF EVILE which will lead the Pinks astray under a FALSE SubGenius One World Religion, that will lead the SHEEPLE into PERPETUAL TIMELESS BONDAGE TO THEIR TV SETS, upon which they'll see HIM -- THE ONE WHO GIVES LIFE TO THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST. That's me. And the Image of the Beast is the computer animated 3D "Bob." Which is what I've been working on in my labs all the time. Legume too. We are bringing life to the image of the beast. "Bob's" not around... who's to say he didn't MEAN for us to do this? Anyway, I say all this right out in the open, to insure disbelief... HIDING it RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY'S FACES. That's right, LUKE SKYWALKER is gonna have to whup ME if he wants to shut down the AntiChrist. Hmmmm.... that would make a good movie. Actually friends, the millenium is a nice round even number for the humans and crackpots to FIXATE ON... everyone knows it's 7-5-99, not 1-1-OUGHT OUGHT OUGHT. NO sirmaam. They just think it's a purty number for Jesus to come back to, all full of zeros. Well SORRY, MY FRIENDS, BUT I HAVE ONE THING TO SAY, and it WON'T TAKE LONG -- but Jesus done BEEN here, took a GOOD SHIT and GONE. YOU MISSED IT! Actually, the Lord will be back at work in our offices soon. MEANWHILE -- praise Bob, I have YANKED BACK THE DUSTY SHEETS from the old 4 track Teac reel to reel, JOLTED it back to shambling life, so that I might share with you listeners for the first time in years, the old MEDIA BARRAGE #8, the 666 special. PLUS!!! Lordy mercy, THE FIRESIGN THEATER has a NEW ALBUM OUT and it's GREAT!!! It's PERFECT!! You YOUNG'UNS will soon realize why THE FIRESIGN THEATER was the biggest influence on my poor teenaged brain in the early 70s besides ZAP COMICS and THE THREE STOOGES. Their new album is called GIVE ME IMMORTALITY OR GIVE ME DEATH. (Misc. other blath) MEDIA BARRAGE 8 collage: Misc. preachers, Stang, Dick Gregory, Jerry Falwell, "Ivan the Targeteer," Dr. PHILO DRUMMOND on Patriopsychotic AnarchoMaterialist Drummondian ideal society FIRESIGN THEATER: "GIVE ME IMMORTALITY OR GIVE ME DEATH" 1st 15 minutes or so MB 8: Rev. Hambone paranoia rant, Philo and Stang as youths SIDE TWO FIRESIGN album: JOE CAMEL, GODDESS AIR bits EINSTEIN'S SECRET ORCHESTRA, SWAMP RADIO, WCSB Cleveland, 1-1-99 (or actually about 20 min. just prior): Chas, Stang: "This is the New Years SHow for the Others, those Alone with "Bob," those home along with a 4 foot bong"; Clinton cheating on Big Brother MEDIA BARRAGE 8: Hellswami Satellite Weavers on JHVH-1's "bar bet" over Mankind; JIM JONES classic "big plans, many eggs in many baskets" rant (w/ Bernard Hermann music) FIRESIGN THEATER: 666 Traffic Copter, Princess Goddess "PULL MY STRING" bit ESO Swamp Radio New Years 1-1-99 cont: JESUS, Chas, Wei on "STEAL YOUR OWN SHIP" Upcoming 1999 X-Day Brushwood TEST LAUNCHING of manned rocket-cluster... to use Lonesome Cowboy Dave as test monkey? FIRESIGN THEATER: Prescription Beer (w/ Prozac) ad ESO RADIO NEW YEARS TELECONFERENCE: Countdown into 1999, Stang & Chas & all guests as "Old Man 1998 is Thrown into the Pond," Dr. G. GORDON GORDON speaks re: XX-Day, Young Babe 1999 SISTER DECADENCE salutes ESO. (The set-up was, Chas Smith, Michele George and Princess Wei in Cleveland, on the line with Stang, Jesus, Sister Decadence, Rev. Nickie Deathchick, Pope Sternodox, Col. Sphinx Drummond, and G. Gordon Gordon & others at GGG's Dobbstown 4 in Austin, Texas) PO BOX end