HoS 871 Odds N Ends 1 HOS 4 promo Dobbsoidianisms, El Queso 00:36 2 "Put Your Hands on the Radio" The Pink Boyz 02:46 3 credit PinkBoyz,intro 00:56 4 ESO Radio 8-22-02a - TomWaits 01:50 5 LeMur: "Farmer_Bingo 00:13 6 ESO Radio 10-11-02c - Sniper Club - CivilWar2 08:19 7 The Bran Flakes - "If She Was a Spy" 02:32 8 branflakes credit 00:05 9 ESO Radio 9-6-02e- "Violence In Media - Elder Gods" 01:01 10 Barlight Beuty- "Little Bottles" 02:47 11 credit Barlight Beauty 00:09 12 ESO Radio 8-15-02- "Near Sighted Caveman" 04:16 13 Mothra Songs 00:54 14 ESO Radio 10-31-02d-e- "Doing This Weakly" 02:49 15 Consortium of Genius - "Great God in a Box" 02:08 16 credit COG 00:09 17 LeMur: "uh_uh1 01:15 18 ESO Radio 11-28-02n- "Christ-Antichrist Motor" 01:00 19 LeMur: "uhuhNPR1 02:22 20 credit Lemur 00:04 21 ESO Radio 9-20-02c "Heaven-LePetomaine" 03:31 22 KPFA 3-24-01 Giant Head-Alexandra Hotel story 02:14 23 Credit- PE, LeMur 00:14 24 LeMur: "heyBob1 Answer Machine" 01:04 25 ESO Radio 9-20-02e "Phillip K Dick" 01:20 26 Credit - ESO radio 00:16 27 Swinging Love Corpses: "We Are Going to Save the Universe" live 04:01 28 Credit SLC 00:06 29 ESO Radio 8-15-02g "Not Weird Enough?" 02:40 30 "Superhuman" - Nu-Tra 01:38 31 Credit Nu-Tra 00:20 32 ESO Radio 9-6-02d- "Dave-Wei Quarantine" 01:01 33 "voixdobbs1"- iDRMRSR 00:20 34 Credit iDRMRSR & Lemur, PO end 01:18 35 ESO Radio 11-28-02 p "Your Own Little World" 01:59 36 LeMur: "PrazeBob39" 01:12 1 HOS 4promoDobbsoidianisms 00:36 2 01-Put Your Hands 02:46 3 01credit PinkBoyz,intro 00:56 4 01ESO82202a-TomWaits 01:50 5 2bd_Farmer_Bingo 00:13 6 ESO101102c-SniperClub-CivilWar2 08:19 7 3Bran Flakes - If She Was a Spy 02:32 8 4 branflakes credit 00:05 9 3ESO9602e-ViolenceInMedia-Elder 01:01 10 5Barlight Beuty- Little Bottles 02:47 11 5credit BarlightBeauty 00:09 12 5ESO81502-NearSightedCaveman 04:16 13 6MothraSongs 00:54 14 ESO103102d-e-DoingThisWeakly-M- 02:49 15 08 COGa - Great God ina Box! 02:08 16 09 credit COG 00:09 17 bd_uh_uh1 01:15 18 ESO112802n-Christ-AntichristMot 01:00 19 fbd_uhuhNPR1 02:22 20 gcredit Lemur 00:04 21 gESO92002c Heaven-LePetomaine 03:31 22 hKPFA 3-24-01 GiantHead-Alex 02:14 23 6Credit- PE then LeMur 00:14 24 8bc_heyBob1AnswerMach 01:04 25 iESO92002e Phillip K Dickx 01:20 26 jCredit - ESO radio 00:16 27 Save the Universe 04:01 28 sCredit SLC 00:06 29 sESO81502g Not Weird Enough? 02:40 30 Superhuman - Nu-Tra 01:38 31 t Credit Nu-Tra 00:20 32 tESO9602d-Dave-WeiQuarantine 01:01 33 voixdobbs1 00:20 34 zCredit iDRMRSR & Lemur, PO end 01:18 35 zESO112802pUrOwnLilWorld-end 01:59 36 zzbd_PrazeBob39 01:12