Hour of Slack #1037 - Live/Discovering Johnny Future, Terry Pratchett

MP3 & podcast:


And on alt.binaries.multimedia.slack

Ogg Vorbis high and low res files at http://subgenius.com/ts/hos.html

(Currently having server probs at sensoryresearch; OGGs might not be online yet)

A live show from 2006-02-19 utilizing Lonesome Cowboy Dave on the phone, Stang reading from "Small Gods" by shordurpersav Terry Pratchett, insane Johnny Future recording (via St. Byron Werner), Lemurian investigations, new songs from Phineas Narco and Edfred.


1          LeMur: PR_Gnus1274            00:33

2          The Joy-Free Realm of Quad 9 - Johnny_Future            00:48

3          activate            00:07

4            dontouch        00:03

5          LeMur: HOS_Intro611            00:33

6            bobbing 4 bob - rev.norel pref            01:18

7          Bloated HermaFROPhorums - Johnny_Future            00:58

8          ae, bob            00:25


Stang creds, intro, Johnny Future and Terry Pratchett readings


9          alive            00:03

10            backoff1          00:01

11        LeMur: Car_Squawk5            00:13

12        LeMur: NoizeF 00:13

13        LeMur: Rainy_Day_Fun2      00:13

14        LeMur: SenateDogPledge2    00:20

15            bedroom         00:08

16        bg communist porn-rev.norelpref            00:15

17        War in the Dark - Johnny_Future            01:56


LONESOME COWBOY DAVE, live w/ Stang and Princess Wei


18        "On my Meds Again" - Phineas Narco, nationalcynical.com    02:01

19            dontmake        00:03

20        food            00:29

21            Futurama - Impossible            03:31

22        Edfred - "Subgenius Midnight Cowboy"            01:45

23        LeMur: The_Loneger_Again3 00:33

24        That Ignorant,  Ignorant Cowboy -T om Glazer  02:50

25        g Space Moon - Johnny_Future            01:01

26        LeMur: NoizeG            00:13

27        happy happy happy-Norel Pref            00:35

28        I Don’t Know What to Do - Little Fyodor, littlefyodor.com         04:43


The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius

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