Hour of Slack #1118 -- Girl Stuff, Dr. Hal and the Cowboy, Devo & The Afterlife


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This episode is special on many counts: it's got the best of Dr. Hal and Lonesome Cowboy Dave, and 5-Fisted Tails, from 10X-Day; the sexiest DEVO covers from the latest DEVOtional collection; and a running theme of Preffish and Lemurian collages centered on GIRL STUFF: love, sex, marriage and BABIES. The Sermon on the Connie Condoms is also included.


1     LeMur: HOS Intro #703 - Kumbaya     00:32

2    Rev. Norel Pref: that magnanimous man 00:20

3    Susie the Floozy: X-Day MissSuburbia   01:31

4    Rev. Norel Pref: easy for you, natural     00:38

5     Credit, intro 2 BabyDoll     00:41

6     Natural Lizzy - "Baby Doll" 03:51

7    DEVA - "Soo Bawls"     02:35

8    Stang performs 10X-Day Wedding of Nickie-Teela-end     02:00

9    cred wed, Deva 20Condoms     00:50

10   Stang at Starwood 27  -Conniedom Rant!!     03:54

11   Hour of Slack Live at 10X-Day with Dr Hal and Dave -j- Connie Rubbers     01:48

12   5-Fisted Tails of Connie w/ Priestess Pisces, live 10X-Day - "Connie The Bad Whore"     03:24

13   cred 5-Fisted 2 ShorDurMar     00:21

14   10X-Day: Pisces conducts ShorDurMar of Pantiara and Absynthetic    01:47

15   cred love 2 ChuckHestons   00:08

16   "Damn Baby" - TheChuckHestons.com     02:53

17     LeMur: PCD_124_Kids   00:12

18   Rev. Norel Pref: Your family     00:18

19   5-Fisted Tails of Connie w/ Priestess Pisces, live 10X-Day -  - "Connies On The Prowl"      02:01

20   Rev. Norel Pref: attacked by lesbian     00:25

21   Hour of Slack Live at 10X-Day with Dr Hal and Dave  -l- Kim Il Jung & Bettie Page Pudding     04:55

22   Hour of Slack Live at 10X-Day with Dr Hal and Dave  -m- Brain, Body & Blood!      05:52

23   Robin Renee - "Triumph Of The Will" 03:01

24     credit Robin 2 question     00:46

25   Hour of Slack Live at 10X-Day with Dr Hal and Dave -r- The User-Limbo-Con X    04:21

26   Hour of Slack Live at 10X-Day with Dr Hal and Dave  -s- Suicide, Hell, SOUL      03:16

27     Stang: Parrot and Parakeet  Training Tape 01:06

28     LeMur: Stop It #3   00:34

29     LeMur: Spit Floats #3     00:47

30     Credits LeMur 2 LeMur 00:40

31     LeMur: The Loneger Again #16 - Rusty     01:00

32   Radio Synaesthesia 7-15-f - The Caller @ The Judgment     00:25

33   End URL monster     00:19

34     LeMur: Tammy Devil #13     00:58

35     LeMur: Seeya_Bob2     00:16

36     LeMur: This Is PRrrr #027     00:40

DEVO info:



DEVA: http://myspace.com/devallurement

Steveolution Dawn: http://myspace.com/steveolutiondawn

Natural Lizzy: http://myspace.com/hellopoopy

Robin Renee: http://myspace.com/robinrenee



Dr. Hal Robins: http://askdrhal.com

Look for Puzzling Evidence show recordings by way of http://www.quiveringbrain.com or streaming from http://kpfa.org

Rev. Norel Pref: http://norelpref.com

"Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, WREK, MP3 podcast: http://tinyurl.com/gpyba



PLEDGES: http://www.pledgie.com/campaign/show/90

PayPal donations can still be sent to magdalen@subgenius.com

The Church of the SubGenius Radio Ministry seeks to brainwash you totally into abject lifelong subservience to The High Epopt and Living SlackMaster, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.


Slack, J.R."Bob" Dobbs, Bob Dobbs, Hour of Slack, comedy, conspiracy, collage, experimental, anarchy, X-Day, nudity, sexhurt, Prairie Squid, SubGenius, Church of the

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