Hour of Slack 939 - Alzheimer's And PiLs

This one is guaranteed to make you think you took too much.

1 oyeh 00:12

2 F. LeMur: Gee Dad5 00:20

3 butbut 00:05

4 Hour of Slack Live 3-7-04 b - I Like to Singa 03:22

5 "Jethro let me talk please" - Norel Pref 00:39

6 credits 01:24

7 Radio Synaesthesia1-1-9-04 c - Pee Test for Alzheimer's - Datura 04:59

8 F. LeMur: breathing cantonese 00:08

9 butbut 00:05

10 Radio Synaesthesia 2-1-04ab - Down Humans 01:44

11 F. LeMur: Car Buyers 00:19

12 Puzzling Evidence 2-27-04 m - Werewolf Computer Plant 04:07

13 Credits 00:43

14 butbut2 copy 1.wav 00:05

15 Radio Synaesthesia 2-1-04b - The Kid Who Was A Head 06:16

16 You Guys Gotta Slow Down 00:13

17 intro Tito 00:15

18 "The Next Big Song" - Rev. Ezekial Tito Garrockas.aif 00:16

19 the the 00:08

20 F. LeMur: Dolphins 00:33

21 butbut 00:05

22 HoS Live 3-7-04 x - Collage: Leary Stooge Pipe! 01:11

23 Radio Synaesthesia 2-1-04 c - (with Hellpope Huey) Lick the Book – Surrealists 04:57

24 F. LeMur: breathing kinyarwanda 00:04

25 the the 00:08

26 Radio Synaesthesia 2-1-04 d - Giant Heads - The Yeti Inside 04:14

27 credit 00:17

28 butbut 00:05

29 ESO RADIO 9-12-03d - AutoMowdown caller 01:46

30 "Auto-MowDown" - Occupant 03:03

31 Cred Occupant 00:08

32 pres2.wav 00:05

33 Radio Synaesthesia 2-8-04 k - Altered States 02:26

34 F. LeMur: breathing serbian 00:06

35 Radio Synaesthesia 2-8-04 l - The Drug Dave's On 00:38

36 SOB drugs levitate 00:11

37 the the 00:08

38 Stang BOOK Hangover Rant 03:42

39 stutter1.wav 00:04

40 F. LeMur: CSPAM Call-in 2 02:20

41 Live HoS 3-7-04 z7 - Leave Drugs 4 BOB! 01:47

42 Zero Gravity Crystals 00:29

43 ESO RADIO 11-28-03c- Dave the Prophet; Cosmic Stupidness 01:22

44 credit, PO, URL 02:09

45 You Guys don't waste airtime 00:19

46 Puzzling Evidence 2-27-04 l - Giant Squid Isostasis 01:22

Background music on credits: REAGAN'S POLYP (http://www.trashfish.com

Norel Pref: www.heavyconfetti.com

1 000oyeh 00:12

2 1F. LeMur: Gee_Dad5 00:20

3 1butbut2.wav 00:05

4 1H374b-I_Like_to_Singa 03:22

5 1Jethro let me talk please - Norel Pref 00:39

6 2 credits 01:24

7 2Syn1-1904c-PTestAlz-Datura 04:59

8 3F. LeMur: breathing_cantonese 00:08

9 3butbut2 copy.wav 00:05

10 5Syn214ab-DownHumans 01:44

11 6F. LeMur: carBuyers 00:19

12 7 PE22704m-WerewolfComputerPlant 04:07

13 7aCredits 00:43

14 7butbut2 copy 1.wav 00:05

15 7Syn214b-TheKidWhoWasAHead 06:16

16 8GuysGottaSlowDown 00:13

17 9introTito 00:15

18 9The Next Big SongEzekialTitoGarrockas.aif 00:16

19 9the_the9.wav 00:08

20 F. LeMur: Dolphins 00:33

21 gbutbut2 copy.wav 00:05

22 H374x-CollageLearyStoogePipe! 01:11

23 iSyn214c-LikBook-Surrealists 04:57

24 jF. LeMur: breathing_kinyarwanda 00:04

25 kthe_the9 copy.wav 00:08

26 o Syn214d-GiantHeads-YetiInside 04:14

27 ocredit 00:17

28 pbutbut2 copy.wav 00:05

29 pESO91203d-AutoMowdown 01:46

30 pfAuto-MowDown - Occupant 03:03

31 pm Cred Occupant 00:08

32 pres2.wav 00:05

33 qSyn284k-AlteredStates 02:26

34 s F. LeMur: breathing_serbian 00:06

35 Syn284l-TheDrugDave'sOn 00:38

36 t- SOB drugs levitate 00:11

37 tthe_the9 copy.wav 00:08

38 vStang BOOKHangoveRant! 03:42

39 vstutter1.wav 00:04

40 vz F. LeMur: CSPAM_Call-in2 02:20

41 w 374z7-LeaveDrugs4BOB! 01:47

42 xZeroGravity Crystals 00:29

43 y ESO112803c-DaveProphetCosmic 01:22

44 ycredit,PO 02:09

45 zz Guysdon'tweasteairtime 00:19

46 zzzPE22704l-GiantSquidIsostatic 01:22