Hour of Slack 982

Live in WCSB studio, 2-13-05, with Rev. Stang, Lonesome Cowboy Dave, Princess Wei, side commentary from Pater Nostril. Premiering new Phineas Narco SubG anthem "Semper SubGenius." Much high-faluting signifying by show hosts. Killer background music from The Swinging Love Corpses.

a 982a-SosodadaDrugCol 05:44
LeMur: "Bob" Warning #11 00:15
LeMur: HOS Intro #545 00:23
HoS Sub Intro 5; great 1970s Drug Songs Collage - by Sosodada 05:05

b "Semper SubGenius" - Phineas Narco (www.nationalcyncial.com) 03:01

cd 982cd-YaknLeMur 14:33
Credits- A Suppository Made of Lawnmowers; misc jolly intro yak;
upcoming devivals & 8X-Day, teX-Day;
The Dark Side of Slack! rant; Triple-X Slack; 3rd Nostril;
More X-Day Lore - Fucked Up Monster Band Names; Gwar Blood;
Dave to Mandrake; Pee On Earth; "You Have to Believe" rant
More X-Day Bands, Art Installations you can Sex

LeMur: PR Gnus #1023 00:33
LeMur: Ask_Dr_Howell2 00:27
LeMur: Der Fuhrer's Disclaimer 00:33
LeMur: PR Gnus #1024 00:23

efg 982efg-Old Gory-Yak-PR 07:54
"Old Gory" - Lonesome Cowboy Dave live at Beachland, Cleveland 1-05 03:57
Band Credits; Spooky Religious stuff and Philosophy Raps; Book to Go Buy;
Philosophy Lite; Self Verifying Philosophy vs. "Bob"-Verified Philosophy
It's All a Dream, Baby
LeMur: PR Gnus #1025 00:33

h 982h-Montage,Editors 04:32
Team America soundtrack: "Montage" 01:21
Rant re: We the Great EDITORS, "The Final Cut" review

ijk 982ijk-HandAxesArt,TellMe 15:23
LeMur: PR Gnus #1026 00:23
Creds on PR News;
Our Gang hints for X-Day Drills; child WMDs such as beehives, beartraps;
Modern Art sucks; Art is a plug-in;
But "Bob" brings Slack; Don't need to work, only beg;
The $170 Coffee Cup Audio Effects Filter; what listeners guess we look like;
The Demanding, Disturbing Distended Swelling Lap of "Bob," The Inappropriately Groping Hand of "Bob";
SLC credit; intro Valentine's Day, Tom and Joe

"Tell Me" - Tom & Joe from Yellow Stucco House
($10 from bdeborculo@yahoo.com) 02:55

lm 982lm-PO, Pres-pg 07:17
Credit, description of new shordurperband Tom and Joe Tom and Joe; our URL; our stations;
"President's On The Phone" -- Lonesome Cowboy Dave live at Beachland, Cleveland 1-05 04:38

nop 982nop-PR,Peppe,Idrmrsr 01:14
LeMur: PR Gnus #1027 00:23
Michael Peppe - "The Lesson" clip 04:47
iDRMRSR - "yazki_plazki_sevet"1 00:19

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