"Expose Bob" Web site updated

From: modemac@modemac.com (Modemac)

Date: Sun, May 14, 2000 6:06 AM

I didn't know the "Expose Bob" Web site was still around; the last I'd heard
of it was back in 1998, when the guy predicted that we'd pull a Heaven's Gate.
But it's still there, at:


I'm starting to think that he really is serious about the dangerous threat to
society represented by the Church of the SubGenius. Though I also think that
those ideas he suggests on how to warn the public about us are actually pretty

First Online Church of "Bob"


From: "IMBJR" <imbjr@imbjr.com>

I was looking at this yesterday and had noticed a few changes.

>I'm starting to think that he really is serious about the dangerous threat
>society represented by the Church of the SubGenius. Though I also think
>those ideas he suggests on how to warn the public about us are actually

We should use them.


From: König PrüB, GmbH <saurkraut@weinerschnitzel.com>

And don't forget the "Expose Orton Nenslo" website!

"Now there's far too much shit in Stang's diaper for me to wash it all out right now. That "hate"
dialog he attributes to me, for instance, I cannot recall and is at best badly distorted. It's Stang
toady Ken DeVries ("Orton Nenslo"), not me, who purports to hate the Universe. (It takes a
BIG MAN to find the time to hate the Universe -- I am IMPRESSED -- especially at the same
time you are holding down a day job.) I am rather precise about what I do and don't hate. But
consider what STANG wrote about hate in the introduction to my first book: "Indeed, it is our
very HATE of the work that keeps us going. I want REVENGE for all the years they've
ALREADY TAKEN." When he wrote that mine "was some of the, uh, wittiest hate humor
[he'd] ever seen," that was meant as a compliment." -- Bob Black


FOLKS, while we're at it, I, "Know Me By My Enemies" Stang, should point you to this carefully written, inadvertently hilarious essay about the evils of the Church


From: friday@fridayjones.com (Friday Jones)

What do you expect of a human?

And the bastard's in Florida too! Just like that mysterious person who got
the Boston Devival shut down!
Could it be ... no, it can't be ...

Win a Date with the Whore of Babylon!
XXX-Day - SubGenius Fetish Festival


From: Artemia Salina <y2k@sheayright.com>

This guy has GOT to be a troll. I'd just like to think up a way
to re-RE-troll him back. Maybe I could email him in support and gain
access to his Inner Circle (of one) and then commit acts of information
sabotage from within.

Subject: Re: "Expose Bob" Web site updated
From: "alaein spiderflux" <spiderflux@KILLTHISdisinfo.net>

so maybe he's a Discordian.............


Subject: Re: "Expose Bob" Web site updated
From: "Rev. Knezek" <achoo!@yahoo.com>

Modemac wrote:
> those ideas he suggests on how to warn the public about us are actually pretty
> good.

Yeep. Whatta mind boggling dip. I'm very glad to see he "left" the
church... urg.
-Rev. Knezek

"We must dance like crazed weasels atop the furniture of life!"
-some guy from "Alaska Men" magazine

From: mizuno333 <luna_tic333@yahoo.co.uk>
Newsgroups: alt.slack

If you like that site, try the SubGenis Recovery & Support
Network: http://members.tripod.com/stopbob/

Thye even have an article by Bob Black. Apparently he believes
Stang is trying to kill him (or at leas was) because he gave
Revelation X a bad review.http://members.tripod.com/stopbob/

-Mizuno333 (aka Arch-Druid Rob)
High Priest-ess & sole member of his own
"Taoist/SubGenius Cult of Dionysian Ecstasy"
& defender of human rights for all those not yet considered human.

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