Attn: Cheap Bastards

From: dode <dode(pee)>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Mon, Apr 15, 2002 6:24 PM

In a recent moment of over analysis caused by twelve solid hours in
front of a calculator It occured to me exactly what this church and
the damned fools who run and contribute to it have given me in

Just take the hour of slack, I'm not fortunate enough to get a
broadcast version but thanks to the good folks at I can enjoy or ignore the shows as I please.

A quick sum

Hours of slack available for my entertainment for free ~195
If all you've ever given to "Bob" is your basic thirty dollars that
works out at slightly over fifteen cents an hour!
If "Bob" was billing by the minute that would equate roughly with
0.002564 cents per minute as near to zero as anyone but an
accountant would figure it.

Or to use the jargon - something for ~ nothing.

I'm only talking about HOS here, to this we add the subsite, the
work of the thousands of faceless html and arts slaves and their
overseers. Then on top of that there is a hell of a lot of work
contributed for fame, sex or slack (no money) by talented artists
anti-musicians and people with no fucking talent but who are either
too dumb to realise it or too enthusiastic to care in a.b.s. You
get a gaggle of ranters, ravers, jokers, moaners and whiners on
a.s. to troll, dis or just piss on for fun as you choose.

This church ladies and gentlemen and all points in between and
outside adds up to one hell of a set of benefits, most of which you
don't even have to join to enjoy*.

*Hidden church secret truth #74 - 81 more to collect.

So basically what I'm saying to those cheap bastards who think that
maybe they haven't stumbled on the best bargain in the "everything
for $30" store is quit moaning, or at least moan creatively or with
venom, or just post shut up so we know you care.

To those that contribute in any way, through any of the many
conduits of this disorganization I thank you, for your time for
your talent and for your contribution even if you did do it just
for self promotion or slurpee sex.

To those that can't contribute through lack of confidence, lack of
talent or lack of slack send in your fucking money and buy someone
else's work, or at least acknowledge that you appreciate it. BTW
money is better, it demonstrates appreciation and prevents
starvation, thirst or pay per view porno blackouts.

I thenk u.

change the pee to p for email.

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