Happy Holidays?

From: "iDRMRSR" <idrmrsr@subgenius.com>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Wed, Dec 10, 2003 10:17 PM
Message-ID: <SOednYQv6txXfEqiRVn-vw@giganews.com>

Incredible, isn't it?

The Holidays are neither HOLY nor HAPPY!

Discuss (at second level)...



Subject: Re: Happy Holidays?
From: "Spiffy" <spiffy@worldnet.att.net>

well, my friend, what you have there is a genuine BAD ATTITUDE!!!
Don't you realize that the baby jesus was born in a manger and later died on
a cross so that every year you should feel compelled to go out and buy alot
of cheap plastic crap for the same lying, backstabbing BASTARDS who abuse
your soul on every other day of the year? You should feel thankful to jesus
that he has blessed you with the opportunity to line the pockets of the CEO
of McCrap-Mart by buying said plastic crap....after all, CEO's are people,
too and they need to be able to cash out their millions in stock options and
buy new private jets....
but, here you are with your BAD ATTITUDE, ruining everyone's holiday
cheer....way to go, buttwrench


Subject: Re: Happy Holidays?
From: "iDRMRSR" <idrmrsr@subgenius.com>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Wed, Dec 10, 2003 11:03 PM
Message-ID: <gZednfP7Br4ecUqiRVn-uA@giganews.com>

>>you should feel compelled to go out and buy alot
of cheap plastic crap<<

Yeah, like, HEY JESUS! Looka me! I bought all this crap! Pretty good,
huh? You'll write that down in yer book, right! Am I some kind of Xtian,
or WHAT?



Subject: Re: Happy Holidays?
From: Artemia Salina <y2k@sheayright.com>

My faveort crimsmums song:

Christmas is a time
To say "I love you"
A time for spreading
Joy and hope and cheer
So let's say "Merry Christmas"
To each other AND
Get back to being assholes
Till next year!

"There cannot possibly be a god in heaven watching all of this calmly."
-- Revi Shankar


Subject: Re: Happy Holidays?
From: "Rev. Beergoggles" <spammers_suck@post.replies.please>

Let's see.

HolidAYs HAppY 3

So Holidays are 4:3 more Holy than Happy by letter content.

Unless you count the Saturday and the non Holydays
vs Sunday and the Holydays. In which case you have
53 Saturdays and 52 Sundays this year with 8 federal
Happydays and 1 federal Holyday. That put it at a
count of 61 Happydays to 53 Holydays.

61:53 = x:4 then x = 4.6 or 4.6:4 vs 4:3
leaving .4 making them roughly equal and close
enough for government work.

Then again there are several more non fed recognized
Happy and Holy days. But that's left since I need to
go get another beer and contemplate which type of
cookie will be sacrificed at the altar of seasonal


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