1 Of course, we have no way of knowing whether there was such a person as Canobite, or if he was just another psuedonym employed by some frustrated Church member who in reality led a drab little life, using the Church as a fantasy role-playing game. Small wonder that an embittered pre-Rupture church member once wrote that the Church was nothing more than `Dungeon and Dragons' for malcontents and mockers.

2 One of Gordon's `covers' at this time was a band of musician/assassins called "The Doktors for Extreme Prejudice." This group was responsible for the bloody shambles of the ULAN BATOR MASSACRE after the partition of China. They also gained some notoriety as the house band for the Al-Fatah Terminal Dance Party, which took place shortly after Lebanon was sold to a Japanese consortium and turned into the theme park "WarWorld".

3 Saint Gordon was said to hold deep within him `the ennobling fury embodied in the hate of thousands' and could draw upon this awesome power at will to overcome his enemies. This force was so powerful that it was, by many accounts, the only weapon he ever used. There are reports of Gordon's projected hate triggering land mines, blowing up munitions dumps and leveling police stations. Yet other stories about Gordon reveal a man who was part cyborg, and obsessed with technology and advanced weaponry. He believed in hardware, not software. Then there is the rumor of the Xist `augmentation' that reportedly converted G.G. Gordon into a living weapons system. Gordon had reflexes faster than human, and total voluntary control over his glandular systems. He was supposed to be master of ancient secrets and at the same time a licensed arms dealer. Some find it hard to reconcile the two images without coming up with something like a deranged Buddha carrying an assault rifle and rocket launcher, an image that has been popular among the disaffected as of late.