THERE IS NO "BOB" !!!!!!

From: "M.P. Smith" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996

There is no "Bob", and you know it. You all actually serve Lyrangor,
the Dark Chicken of Algol. We know of your plans to sell the entire human
race into eternal slavery ! Heretics !! Traitors to humanity !! Repent of
your foul naughtiness !!!!

P.S. : Bleencorn Cornbleen Bleencorn Cornbleen Bleencorn.


From: (Lou Duchez)

Wouldn't it be just like "Bob" to keep testing out his pen on random
pieces of paper which just HAPPEN to be contracts, and the doodling just
HAPPENS to spell out "Bob" every time? The Lyrangor theory sounds
plausible, though the name sounds like a Dr. Who bad guy.

: P.S. : Bleencorn Cornbleen Bleencorn Cornbleen Bleencorn.

Tip: nonsense words have their use, but in and of themselves they don't
amount to much. Work on logical incoherency; I personally find it more
satisfying. You may too, but to each his own.


From: (gg gordon) (Lou Duchez) says:
>Work on logical incoherency.

Yeah Lou, to EACH his OWN...enough of the pompous
pseudo-literary critcism.
Tip: Nobody really cares!

(Oops I forgot, you DO, don't you?)


From: (Michelle Klein-Hass)

"M.P. Smith"<> wrote:

> There is no "Bob", and you know it. You all actually serve Lyrangor,
> the Dark Chicken of Algol. We know of your plans to sell the entire human
> race into eternal slavery ! Heretics !! Traitors to humanity !! Repent of
> your foul naughtiness !!!!


We've been found out!

We must alert the High Council of Lyrangor at once!

Time to activate Plan 9!

The Highly Irreverend NCP Pngtvey Ahxh Ahxh
Algolian alien in disguise and alt.bob.bring-me-a-goathead Big Shot

Enjoy life more, have better health, be happy...WATCH MORE CARTOONS!!
email: * This post is *my* opinion!
Check out "Animation Nerd's Paradise"
"Normal? Whoever got anywhere by being Normal?"-Brainchild (The Tick)


From: (Jason Corley)

M.P. Smith ( wrote:
: There is no "Bob", and you know it. You all actually serve Lyrangor,
: the Dark Chicken of Algol. We know of your plans to sell the entire human
: race into eternal slavery ! Heretics !! Traitors to humanity !! Repent of
: your foul naughtiness !!!!


"You turn off the light and turn on the dark, you turn off the dark and
turn on the light --- positively marvillainous!" ---Krazy Kat, 1921
Jason D. "" Corley was here, but now he's gone.

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