Bleeding Head Cheese a la Wanda

By: (St. Ain-Soph)
Date: 15 May 1995 19:44:13

Say. Has anyone got a recipe for Bleeding Head Cheese or
maybe some tips on how to cook up a pan of Skillet Fried Wanda
or a list of ingredients to make a batch of yummy Hush Pee
Dog Puppies? Well, send me a copy because I've got a jug
Night Crawling Eye Tears and a couple of bottles of fresh
crushed Pink Skull Cleaning Fluid that I sure would like
to use. And if you could loan be a vial of Head Fucking
Mint Sauce or a bag of Low Fat Wanda Leg Spread, then I'd
sure be grateful, thank you Ma'am. No Ma'am, I don't want
any more Monkey Brain Omelet or another piece of Dobbshead
Revisited Griddle Cake, thank ye anyway. I just want a shank of
Jerk Off Jerky and some Wanda Upside Down Cake with that good
Suzy Cream Cheese dripping down the sides, that's all for me
M'Bgulu. Just see if you can whip that out of your MWOWM
terminal and pass it to me, thank ye very much.

Epopt of the Exploding Head of JFK Licensed to blaspheme the Gods!
My skull is bigger on the inside than the outside!
Send $1 to SubGenius Foundation, P.O. Box 140306, Dallas TX 75214

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