Hour of Slack XXX #2


This show will be webcast only, for obvious reasons. Hopefully this series will continue until County Law puts the final quash on all unapproved media.

Been meaning to do this for quite some time. This particular episode served to help clear off my hard drives. For the next ones I'll tap the Foundation Tape Filth Collection and Dr. Philo Drummond's Badfilm Radio FunHole.

1 Welcome 2 HoS Title song - El Queso 00:26
2 Stang intro 01:16
3 LeMur: "dont Tell Bob 00:57
4 LeMur: "freshcum 00:12
5 BOBBOBfart 00:16
6 GeorgeCarlin "7words 00:31
7 Crowd @ Amsterdam "Fuck Em If etc 00:08
8 "Unclean" - Steve McQuillen 01:20
9 credits 00:26
10 "Fuck the Creationists" -- MC Hawking 02:21
11 "Fuck Em If They can't Take a Joke" -- The El Queso All-Stars 02:52
12 Credit 00:38
13 "Sex Sux" - The Kirkendahl Void with SuperX 02:57
14 Molotov - "Chinga tu Madre" 03:17
15 Credit 00:34
16 ESO Radio 3-2-01 "XXX talk 02:34
17 KPFA SubShow, Puzzling Evidence & Philo "Bitches; Nickie; Tucson" 01:54
18 Nickie Deathchick @ Tucson devival -"My Blowjobs Are So Good" 02:57
19 Reagan's Polyp: "Tunky The Talking Bear" 04:36
20 credit 00:46
21 Patapoe Radio, Amsterdam, 2001 - Rev. Mickey Finn on the Jizz Trade 03:50
22 canon computer help 00:41
23 FukityFuckFuck by Dr. Philo Drummond 00:42
24 oz filth song 00:25
25 Patapoe Radio, Amsterdam: Pope Phil Monty on Jisneyland 06:59
26 ESO Radio 4-13-01 "The JIZZMATRIX" 01:13
27 Superchunk -" Slack Motherfucker" clip 00:26
28 the Vagina Song (unknown) 02:39
29 wash the coochie (unknown) 00:23
30 "This Is No Shit" (unknown) 02:44
31 Tow Yard Complaint - via iDRMRSR 03:13
32 Credit 01:01
33 Einstein's Secret orchestra @ 34X-Day- "Us & All Our Friends are So Ducked Up," SubGenius Lullaby 08:29
34 Patapoe Radio: Pope Black, Lord Yeti: "Ass 4 Brain" 01:28
35 Credits, end rant Stang 01:07
36 NEW po Box 00:50

1 01 Welcome2HoSTitlesong-ElQueso 00:26
2 02 Stang intro 01:16
3 0bd_dontTellBob2.mp3.aif 00:57
4 0bd_freshcum 00:12
5 0BOBBOBfart 00:16
6 0GeorgeCarlin_7words 00:31
7 1 Crowd"Fuck Em Ifetc 00:08
8 1 Unclean-StvMcQuillen.aif (Mono) 01:20
9 1credits 00:26
10 2Fuck the CreationistsMCHawking 02:21
11 3If_they_can't_take_a_jokeQu 02:52
12 4Credit 00:38
13 4SexSux-KirkendahlVoidwSuperX 02:57
14 5Molotov-Chinga tu Madre 03:17
15 6Credit 00:34
16 6ESO321F-XXXtalk 02:34
17 7KPFA07Bitches;Nickie;Tucson! 01:54
18 8NickieTucson-MyBlowjobsRSoGood 02:57
19 8TunkyTheTalkingBear 04:36
20 9 credit 00:46
21 9xPatapoe04 - FinnJizzTradeXX 03:50
22 canon computer help 00:41
23 FukcityFuckFuck 00:42
24 oz 00:25
25 Patapoe05 Monty-Jisneylandxx 06:59
26 pESO41301-5JIZZMATRIX 01:13
27 Superchunk - Slack Motherfu.aif 00:26
28 theVaginaSong.mp3.aif 02:39
29 thewash the coochie 00:23
30 This Is No Shit.mp3.aif 02:44
31 TowYardComplaint.mp3.aif 03:13
32 uCredit 01:01
33 uX-Day-Uss&Friends;Lullaby 08:29
34 wPatapoe10 Ass 4 Brain!shortene 01:28
35 yCredits-end 01:07
36 zzzNEWpoBox2-end 00:50

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Original file name: HoS 845-XXX Unclean 2 - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47

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