Hour of Slack 773

1 Itchy-Scratchy HOSTitle- Jupiter Research 00:24
2 preachin_the_blues 00:10
3 Satanic Jamboree clip -Jupiter Research 00:38
4 ESO Swamp Radio 02/01/01-YOU the listener! 01:19
5 Cartoon- He's a Maniac! 00:32
6 The Bran Flakes - "Stereo Checkout" 03:47
7 credits 00:58
8 KPFA - Hal from MB 12: "He's Bob" song, Sternutitian 02:49
9 ESO Swamp Radio 02/01/01- Mojo World, pandromeda.com 03:21
10 Chas YETI Space Seed Rant/ Brunelle's Linklettr Penis cutup 03:24
11 ESO 1/19/01 Legal Necrophile Space Subs 03:25
12 "Bubbles" - John Bartles 00:34
13 Build Yr Own Ship cutup 01:05
14 KPFA from MB12: Continuity in Space 00:43
15 CartoonMix-Bomb Drop Cackle 00:13
16 ESO Swamp Radio 02/01/01- Popess Lilith Rocket Site 00:44
17 Nucleon - "Supergalactic" 00:46
18 Toon Balloon Inflate, groans 00:19
19 HoS 660-Space Chas; RayBrunelle Linkletter Sex cutup/ Chas Squid loop 02:08
20 ""BOB" IS MY STORY" - Dr. Howll 1985 LA Dev. 02:16
21 Bran Flakes - "GalacticMason" 00:44
22 Cartoon-Doc-What'sThatSong? 00:15
23 credits 00:49
24 ESO Swamp Radio 02/01/01-SexualPioneers-M copy 04:06
25 Onan-Stang: Martian Canals 00:36
26 " Martian Monsters 00:56
27 mars-toxicsp 00:39
28 ESO 1/19/01 MARS 00:36
29 starc-strays-streettrash-ta 01:06
30 Time Designs- Gas Music from Jupiter - Axel Mars2 00:39
31 credits 00:25
32 "Window To The World" FrankMarino 03:37
33 ESO 1/19/01- BOB shoes X-Day! 01:47
34 mutant-newkansas-nightdead 00:25
35 solarb-spaceh-spacev-starcr 01:05
36 ESO Swamp Radio 02/01/01-X-Day Cow-OrkersEND! 05:04
37 xsixstrngsm-skeeter-slpstalk 01:00
38 "Dont Let Me Sleep That Night" - ESO Vol9 03:08
39 credits 00:52
40 "Two By Two" Tammy Swindell 01:35
41 Toon- Muhhahahaha 00:08

1 002I&S&HOSTitle.JupResearch 00:24
2 00preachin_the_blues16.aif 00:10
3 00satanicJamboree-JuPResearch 00:38
4 01ESO20101-YOU the listener! 01:19
5 02Cartoon- He's a Maniac! 00:32
6 03BranFlakes-Stereo Checkout 03:47
7 03credits 00:58
8 03He's Bob song, Sternutitian 02:49
9 04ESO20101-MojoWorld 03:21
10 05ChasYETISpace/LinklettrPenis 03:24
11 06ESO11901LegalNecrophSpaceSubs 03:25
12 07Bubbles 00:34
13 1Build Yr Own Ship 01:05
14 37 Continuity in Space 00:43
15 38CartoonMix-BombDropCackle 00:13
16 5ESO20101- LilRocketSite 00:44
17 5Nucleon-Supergalactic 00:46
18 5Toon Balloon Inflate, groans 00:19
19 660-SpaceLinkletterSquid 02:08
20 BOB" IS MY STORY - 85LA Dev. 02:16
21 BranFlakes-GalacticMason 00:44
22 Cartoon-Doc-What'sThatSong? 00:15
23 credits 00:49
24 fESO20101-SexualPioneers-M copy 04:06
25 fMartian Canals 00:36
26 gMartian Monsters 00:56
27 mars-toxicsp 00:39
28 mESO11901 MARS 00:36
29 nMarstarc-strays-streettrash-ta 01:06
30 TimeDesigns-GasMusic-AxelMars2 00:39
31 Ucredits 00:25
32 Window To The World-FrankMarino 03:37
33 xaESO11901-BOB shoes X-Day! 01:47
34 Xdaymutant-newkansas-nightdead 00:25
35 xfsolarb-spaceh-spacev-starcr 01:05
36 xrESO20101-X-Day Cow-OrkersEND! 05:04
37 xsixstrngsm-skeeter-slpstalk 01:00
38 xSONGDontLetMeSleep-ESOVol9 03:08
39 xxcredits 00:52
40 xxTwo By Two.Tammy Swindell 01:35
41 zToon- Muhhahahaha 00:08

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Original file name: HoS 773 Lost in Space - converted on Saturday, 10 March 2001, 21:59

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