Everything in this scene is made from that nutty little trippy screen saver image seen earlier... except the clouds.


Here's an idea I had, that I THOUGHT that somebody else had already had, because I was looking at their stuff while huffing POLLEN.

What if you took ONE IMAGE -- a DOBBSHEAD wouldn't be unthinkable -- and used that to generate BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY every other image in the entire UNIVERSE of a computer animated movie. So that at the end, the audience's mind was blown when they realized that that Dobbshead had been right in front of their faces every second, but they just couldn't see it because it comprised EVERYTHING on some level. Of course the whole subject and subtext of the movie would be how you never see what's right in front of your face because you take so much for granted, and aren't alert enough, and blah blah zzzz etc. etc.

Great idea huh. I guess I've already been working on it without even knowing it.


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