No Subject

From: (RH/etc.)

>Modemac writes:
>>Tarla, I just fell in love with you. If you weren't married, I'd head
>>right over to your house, kneel on your doorstep, and propose to you.
>>Or to your house itself, if you weren't home. Hell, maybe I'll go over
>>there and do it anyways! I'm sure your husband won't mind.

TarlaStar <> writes:
>Are you kidding? Shit he'd probably be crushed that you weren't there
>for HIM(He thinks he has a cute ass...). I've said it before and I'll say
>it again...POLYGAMY LAWS SUCK!!!

Rev. Tarla...

..the polygamy thing? Doesn't apply to you oh Lavender one. I don't
think there's room enough in your house for anymore; after all, there's
you, your husband, the dog, and your ego...and the ego's taking up the
room I'm gonna be staying in...)

Right Here


From: (Doktor BoogieDown)
Subject: Re: (no subject)

TarlaStar <> wrote:
>And "Bob" knows there's barely going to be enough room for YOUR ego in
>there, my Demi-God. Calm down, you're still on my "Top Ten Men I'd Go To
>Jail Over Polygamy Laws For."...but NOBODY surfs like Modemac!

Hmph. I feel, spent, passed-over, and utterly denied.

Doktor BoogieDown
(yeah, right <g>)


Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: (Modemac)

TarlaStar ( wrote:
: And "Bob" knows there's barely going to be enough room for YOUR ego in
: there, my Demi-God. Calm down, you're still on my "Top Ten Men I'd Go To
: Jail Over Polygamy Laws For."...but NOBODY surfs like Modemac!

<Ack! Hack! Cough! Choke...>

Please, Tarla, don't use THAT phrase! 'Surfing the Net' is a ridiculous
bit coined by the media and made popular by that Conspiracy rag, WIRED. I
spend far too much time on here doing stuff on the Net, but 'surfing'
ain't a part of it.

Squirting, maybe...


From: TarlaStar <>
Subject: Re: (no subject)

I retract it completely, in the words of Lance Ito, "mea culpa, mea
culpa"...Actually it DOES sound better to say "NOBODY squirts on the net
like Modemac!"


From: (Doktor BoogieDown)
Subject: Re: (no subject)

TarlaStar moaned:

>I retract it completely, in the words of Lance Ito, "mea culpa, mea
>culpa"...Actually it DOES sound better to say "NOBODY squirts on the net
>like Modemac!"

Yeah, that sounds MUCH better. I sure wouldn't wanna be his KEYBOARD
after a long session connected to the 'net. I avoid sticky situations
like that.

Just like:

"Avoid cliches like the plague."


Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: (Tarla) (Doktor BoogieDown) wrote:

>TarlaStar <> wrote:
>>Oh relax, that's just the foreplay...when *I'm* done with you you'll be
>>convex, purple, and used. Now...where'd I leave my Epilady?

>I do hope that Epilady is for use on YOUR body, and not mine.


>Doktor BoogieDown

Sugar, why do you think it's called Sexhurt? It hurts when I start, it
hurts when I stop, and in'll feel like you shit, came,
exploded, fell to the earth in the form of a gentle snow, sneezed
exquisitely to every single name of God, entered the earth and was
farted out into the face of the Almighty...

at least, that's what they keep telling ME. What's for breakfast?


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